Unhide/Hide Child Data
Unhide/Hide via the Arrow Symbol of the Tree Structure
- Click on the / icon in the required area to show/hide all of its child areas.
- The customizer determines whether a module contains the tree structure (/ icon) and which module areas contain the tree structure. Here you can find information on how the tree structure has to be customized.
Unhide/Hide via Double Click
- Activate any output field in the required data area by clicking on it.
- Double click on the activated field to unhide or hide all child data areas.
Unhide/Hide via Context Menu
- Activate any field in the required data area by clicking on it.
- Select the Display command by right-clicking.
- All child areas that can be unhidden or hidden are displayed.
- To provide a better overview, the data areas will be displayed in a tree structure in the context menu.
- The areas already unhidden or hidden will be displayed separately in the context menu.
- All child areas that can be unhidden or hidden are displayed.
- Select the required area.
Unhide/Hide via Menu Items
- Activate any field in the required data area by clicking on it.
- By selecting the following menu items, the child areas will be unhidden/hidden below the current record.
- View → Show child area +
- View → Hide child area -
- By selecting the following menu items, you can unhide/hide the child areas of all records on the same level.
- View → Show child area ++
- View → Hide child area --