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Quick Access to Planning Objects


  • PLANTA project offers several options to access any planning object directly:
    • via the Go to menu item and the subsequent input of the planning object ID in a dialog window
    • via the direct links to the recently viewed planning objects in the user menu
    • via the direct links to the favored planning objects in the user menu

Open planning objects via the Go to menu item

  • Open Extras→ Go to in the menu bar.
  • Enter the ID of the required planning object in the dialog window.
  • Confirm with OK. The user is redirected to the module panel of the planning object.
    • If the logged-on user is not authorized to view the planning object or if the searched planning object no longer exists, the No project, idea, proposal, program, or request with the required ID found message is displayed. If the planning object is opened, further user rights determine whether the planning object is only looked at or whether it can be edited as well. For further information on the rights concept, see here.

Open planning objects from the Recently viewed and Favorites areas in the user menu

  • In the user menu in the Recently viewed area, the last planning objects opened by the logged-on user are listed. The links on it lead directly to the module panels of these planning objects.
  • In the user menu in the Favorites area, you will also find direct links to the planning objects. Favorites are planning objects which are marked with a yellow star symbol in the Recently viewed area and which have thus become .

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