The period for the visualization of the time scale in modules with Gantt charts, utilization diagrams, or projections is determined by
the filter criteria in module customizing or, if there are no filter criteria,
the module data
Here, the greatest scale unit specified for the scale in module customizing will be displayed entirely.
The element (date, histogram bar, projection) with the earliest start date defines the year (quarter, month, according to the greatest defined scale unit), with which the scale starts.
The element (date, histogram bar, projection) with the earliest end date defines the year (quarter, month, according to the greatest defined scale unit), with which the scale ends.
On the scale, this period is displayed in a tooltip (initial scale start / intitial scale end).
Restrict the Default Period of the Time Scale "Live"
CTRL + mouseover (without clicking) on the Time Scale: The mouse cursor will now be displayed as a . In a tooltip, the date on which the mouse cursor is positioned, and which corresponds to the required scale start, is displayed additionally.
Move the cursor to the date of the required scale start and click on it.
The scale will be displayed in gray.
Drag the cursor to the required end date.
The area selected on the scale will be displayed in white.
While dragging, the time range to which the scale is restricted is now displayed in the tooltip. By releasing, the restriction of the scale is changed to the selected area.
After scale adjustment, the tooltip on the scale will show both the initial and the current restriction.
The arrow symbols in the title bar of the / scale show that the scale area was changed and how it was changed.
If the scale was changed from both sides, the arrow symbols will be displayed at both margins of the title bar.
If the scale has only been changed on one side, the symbols will only be displayed at one margin of the title bar.
When moving the mouse to the scale, the data of both the current and the initial scale restriction will be displayed in the tooltip.
Reset Scale Restriction
Right-click on the scale
Via the Display previous scale area context menu entry, the previous scale restrictions are reset.
Alternatively, this can also be done via CTRL + right-click.
Via the Reset scale area context menu entry, the scale restriction is reset to the setting upon module start.
Unhide/Hide Scale Area Units
The time scale units (e.g. year, month, week, day) can be displayed/hidden via the context menu on the scale.
Right-click on the Time Scale. The context menu in which all visible units (checked) and invisible units units (unchecked) are listed, is opened.
In order to unhide an invisible scale unit, set a checkmark next to the respective entry in the context menu.
In order to hide a visible scale unit, remove the checkmark at the respective entry in the context menu.
Displaying smaller scale units (like, e.g., day) is only possible if the scale would not be too wide afterwards. Explanation:
The scale has a maximum width (maximum zoom). If [the minimum width of a day * number of days] is too high, this scale unit cannot be displayed.
If you restrict the scale and the number of days is thus reduced, days can be displayed.
You cannot hide all units. The last available scale unit remains unhidden.
Scale units which cannot be unhidden in the current visualization will not be shown.