Unhide/Hide via the Arrow Symbol of the Tree Structure
Click on the / icon in the required area to show/hide all of its child areas.
The customizer determines whether a module contains the tree structure (/ icon) and which module areas contain the tree structure. Here you can find information on how the tree structure has to be customized.
Unhide/Hide via Double Click
Activate any output field in the required data area by clicking on it.
Double click on the activated field to unhide or hide all child data areas.
Unhide/Hide via Context Menu
Activate any field in the required data area by clicking on it.
Select the Display command by right-clicking.
All child areas that can be unhidden or hidden are displayed.
To provide a better overview, the data areas will be displayed in a tree structure in the context menu.
The areas already unhidden or hidden will be displayed separately in the context menu.
Select the required area.
Unhide/Hide via Menu Items
Activate any field in the required data area by clicking on it.
By selecting the following menu items, the child areas will be unhidden/hidden below the current record.