Filter Criteria MOD009511
- Menu items: Extras → Filter Criteria
- Key combination ALT+CTRL+F
- Here you can set filter criteria to restrict the data in the reference module.
- The reference module is the user module from which the filter criteria module is opened to filter data.
- The title of the reference module and the possibly opened module variant of the reference module are displayed next to the filter criterion module.
- For a detailed description of the procedure and the filter options, please refer to the Filter and Set Filter Criteria topic in the "Introduction and Operation" help area.
- The filter criteria set in this module are only temporary and cannot be saved. They only apply to one single filter process each.
- As a user you can only create one module variant with the required filter criteria. Only users with customizer rights can change filter criteria permanently.
- Information for customizers for the setting of permanent filter criteria can be found in the Filter Criteria topic in the "PLANTA customizer” help area.