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Menus and Menu Items


  • In the PLANTA documentation a distinction is made between user and customizer menu items, whereas user menu items are also displayed to customizers.
  • The composition of the menu items in the menu bar and in the Symbolleiste is generally configurable and can be compiled by the administrator for individual users or user groups.
  • On this page, the menu items for users are described.

 See also: Menu Items of the Customizer in the PLANTA customizer help area

The information on this site apply to both desktop and web version of PLANTA project, unless specified otherwise. The menus and menu items in the desktop and web version are slightly different:

  • The menu items available in the web version are the same as those in the desktop client, they only differ in number and arrangement.
  • In the desktop version, the individual menus with the menu entries are fixed in the title bar at the top. In the web version it can be opened via the
    symbol at the upper right margin.
  • Individual menu items can have a particular behavior in the web version. If a menu item shows a particular behavior in the web version, you will find an explanation in the Description column of the following table.

Menu Bar

Menu: Data

Menu itemSub-menu itemIDButtonShortcutDescription


Starts a filtering process.

See also: Filter

Cancel filtering

ESCCancels the filtering process.


F7/ F5Refreshes the display in accordance with the last changes or resets the current selection without closing the module.


If the sort order has been changed in the module, the sort order predefined in customizing can be reestablished.

See also: Change the sort order

Search in Module


Opens the search bar in which you can enter the string to be searched for in the module When pressing the key combination again, the search bar is closed again.

See also: Search in Module

Print Preview


Opens the Print preview which provides an exact representation of the print output and page division on screen. You can define a zoom setting for the print preview which deviates from the module window.
Page Break Preview


Opens the Page break preview
Print directly


Sends the module data with the current settings to the printer.
Print via options


Here you can change print options before printing.
Close panel/module


Closes the active panel/module

Notes for customizers: Once a module/panel is closed, it must no longer be used by Python in any way. Each method/attribute call to a closed module/panel may lead to program instabilities and crashes!

Exit Program


ALT + F4Closes the program.

Menu: Edit

Menu itemSub-menu itemIDButtonShortcutDescription


Undoes the last change performed.

This menu item only takes effect in the following procedure:

  • Change data field content (manually or via CTRL + V, CTRL + X or D&D copying field to field)
    • Changes of data field contents can be undone without activating another field upfront. I.e., if you click on the Undo button while the focus is in a field, the input in this field will be undone first. When clicking on the menu item repeatedly, previous inputs will be undone one by one.
  • All functions of the form editor


CTRL + YRedoes the change last performed.


F4Inserts a new record of equal rank. Procedure
Insert subordinate area


Inserts a subordinate record. Procedure
Upon use in Python macros or as an action ID in a data area, this menu item will be non-functional. See also Known Issues.


CTRL + SSaves the data including performed changes in the database.


Deletes the marked records from the database. You will be asked whether you really want to delete the data.

See also: Delete

Copy via Drag&Drop

Definition of a copy type for Drag&Drop copying

Field to Field
CTRL + 1Procedure

Field to Column
CTRL + 2Procedure

Column to Column
CTRL + 3Procedure

CTRL + 4Procedure
Copy operation

Definition of a copy type for Drag&Drop copying.

Copy operators can only be used for the Field to Field, Field to Column, and Column to Column copy types.


Standard settings: The values in the target data fields are replaced by the values from the source data fields.


A value is added to the value in the source data field and the result is entered in the target data field. The addend can be defined by making an entry in the Add: dialog window.


A value is subtracted from the value in the source data field and the result is entered in the target data field. The subtraction value can be defined in the Subtract: dialog window.


A value is multiplied by the value in the source data field and the result is entered in the target data field. The multiplication value can be defined by making an entry in the Multiply by: dialog window.


The value in the source data field will be divided by any required value and the result will be entered in the target data field. The division value can be defined by making an entry in the Divide by: dialog window.
Calculate Schedule



Carries out the entire calculation of the schedule including dates, resources (capacity loading), and, if the required settings are made, costs as well.
The menu item equates to the Schedule calculation menu item (

) in older PLANTA . 

Unload schedule


The project will be unloaded with regard to dates, the resources will be approved. Further information.
Mark all

CTRL + AMarks all records in the module.
Unmark all

CTRL + DUnmarks all records in the module.

Menu: View

Menu itemSub-menu itemIDButtonShortcutDescription
Full screen


F11Activates/deactivates full screen view
Show child area +

CTRL + +Unhides the data of the child data area for the activated record.
Show child area ++

CTRL + *Unhides the data of the child data area for all records.
Hide child area -

CTRL + -Hides the data of all child data areas for the activated record.
Hide child area - -

CTRL + /Hides the data of all child data areas for all records.

Information on zoom

Zoom = 100 %

CTRL + 0Zooms the module content to 100 %.

Zoom +

Enlarges the display of the active module on the screen.

Zoom -

Reduces the display of the active module on the screen.
Bar mimic

If you select one of the following bar mimic types, a scroll will be performed in the module when you click in a data field of a record outside the scale (e.g. window 1 or 2) the corresponding bar/today line of which is not in the visible area.

Scroll to requested dates

A scroll to the beginning of the corresponding requested date bar will be performed automatically.
  • This menu item only takes effect if the Edit requested dates checkbox is activated for the appropriate bar field through the customizer.

Scroll to actual dates

A scroll to the beginning of the corresponding actual date bar will be performed automatically.
  • This menu item only takes effect if the Edit actual dates checkbox is activated for the appropriate bar field through the customizer.


No automatic scroll will be performed.

Scroll to the first bar

A scroll to the beginning of the first corresponding date bar will be performed automatically.

Scroll to today

A scroll to today’s date’s date will be performed automatically.

Menu: Extras

Menu itemSub-menu itemIDButtonShortcutDescription
Filter criteria


Opens the Filter criteria module for the respective active module.

See also: Filter and Set Filter Criteria

Export to Microsoft Excel


Export to Excel
Create PDF

Creates a PDF file which contains the content of the selected module
After you have selected the menu item, a dialog will be opened in which the target path defined in the PDF export path parameter under Global Settings is displayed. You can consult it here, in the dialog, if necessary. If no path is defined in the PDF export path parameter, the desktop of the user will be used as a path (%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Desktop). After confirmation of the default path or selection of another path, the export will be started. If the file already exists in the target, a respective dialog is opened. When printing the file, you can change different parameters like, e.g., format or paper size, via the print options.
Create PDF as an e-mail attachment

Creates a PDF file which contains the content of the current module, opens the Outlook window for e-mail dispatch and attaches the created PDF file
Go to

CTRL + GOpen project (idea, proposal, or program) directly


Opens the module or panel stored for the current user in the Startup macro data field.

Web Client: If the menu item is confirmed while the module to which the menu item leads (the startup module) is already open in another tab, a red point will be displayed in the tab of the startup module. The point disappears once you switch to another tab.

Change Load Startup Modules

Opens the Load Startup Module module, in which the user can define which of the startup modules of the role assigned to him/her is to be opened upon program start or when clicking on the Extras → Home menu item and which startup modules are not to be opened.
Time stamp


CTRL + TOutput of a time stamp in the current input field <User> <current date> <time>.


Opens the Downloads window, in which all downloaded and changed data is displayed and can be edited.

See also: (39.5.20-en) Hyperlinks#Downloads

Change Password


Opens a dialog for changing the password

Menu: ? (Help)

Menu itemSub-menu itemIDButtonShortcutDescription
Data field description

F1Opens the description of the activated data field in the PLANTA Online Help.
Module description

F2Opens the description of the active module in the PLANTA Online Help.

Open Online Help

CTRL + MOpens the start page of the PLANTA Online Help.
Data field information

CTRL + F1Opens the Data Field Information module in which important customizing information is displayed, like, e.g., exits or value ranges.
Module information

CTRL + F2Opens the Module Information module in which important customizing information is displayed, like, e.g., module ID or data areas.

System information

CTRL + BOpens the System Information module in which information like, e.g. logged-on user and license are displayed.
Evaluate us!

Link to the Trusted and Capterra software evaluation portals


Toolbar: Standard:


  • The most frequently used menu items of the menu bar form the standard toolbar. It is always displayed by default and is located directly below the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    • For more information on menu items, please see the respective sections in the Menu Bar chapter.
  • The composition is user dependent.

Example: Toolbar for users

InsertSave.SearchFilterRefreshUndoRedoDeleteCustomizing mode*HomeCalculate Schedule

* This symbol serves to activate the "form editor” customizing function which allows users without customizing rights to make the same changes to field positions in form layouts that can also be made to module layouts in table form, e.g. moving columns, hiding/unhiding columns, etc. If such changes are made to module layouts, they can be saved in a user specific variant of the respective module. 


  • If the mouse cursor is moved over a button, the button's name will be displayed in a tool tip on the screen after a brief delay.
  • All buttons for use in graphical editing are implemented as push-buttons. After clicking on such a button, it remains visually pressed and the cursor takes on a suitable icon.
    • Push-buttons have to be deactivated after editing. A push button can be reset by pressing the push button once more.
  • The button layout shows whether the button is activated:
    • normal: button is active and the function is executable
    • grayed out: button is Inactive and the function is not executable

Toolbar: Search in Module (Search Bar)

This toolbar can be opened via the Search in module menu item. Further information on Search in Module

Search in Module

  • By using the shortcut, the cursor will be placed in the search field.
  • You can close the toolbar by clicking on the button. See also ESC.

Field in which the search term is entered.

Move to the next hit (down). The first hit will be highlighted in green.

Move to the previous hit (up). The first hit will be highlighted in green.

Defines whether case sensitivity is to be considered.

Defines whether all hits are to be highlighted in yellow.
Use regular expressions

Defines that the search term is analyzed as regular expression.

ESCIf the search bar is focused, it is closed.

Toolbar: Print Preview or Page Break Preview

Print directly

Sends the module data with the current settings to the printer.

Print via options

Here you can change print options before printing.

Edit Margins

Shows the margins as continuous lines which can be dragged to the required position with the mouse. Further information.
This menu item is only available in print preview.
Text Marker

Marks the required area in the print preview like a text marker. Further information.
This menu item is only available in print preview.
Insert Comment

Inserts a comment in the required area in the print preview. Further information.
This menu item is only available in print preview.
Zoom = 100 %
CTRL + 0Zooms the module content to 100 %.
Zooms to page width

Zooms the module content to page width.
Zoom +
CTRL + scroll up with the mouseEnlarges the module content. Margins, header and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
Zoom -
CTRL + scroll down with the mouseReduces the module content. Margins, header and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can change the splitting of the module content over several pages and the number of pages may thus vary.

You can enter the required zoom degree. The displayed value is refreshed automatically if you zoom using the Zoom + or Zoom -buttons.

Here, the required paper format can be selected from the listbox. The changed format immediately becomes visible.
  • If you need user-specific formats, you have to set them directly on your printer via the Print via options menu item. Such formats will not be displayed in the print preview but only in the printed version.
Portrait/landscape format

Switch directly between portrait and landscape format.
Reset changes

All changes made to the print preview with regard to zoom, margin width, etc., will be reset to their default settings.
Extend module title

Extends the module title.

  • The text entered in the dialog box will be added to the module title as an extension.


  • The module title extension will also be applied to the module itself after closing the print preview/page break preview.
  • The module title extension will automatically be removed when the module is closed.


  • In order to undo the module title extension without having to close the module, open the menu item and click on OK.

Open PLANTA Online Help

Opens the Print page of the PLANTA Online Help which contains information on printing and on print and page break preview.

Standar shortcuts

Key combinationExplanation
CTRL + Pos1Go to start
CTRL + EndGo to end
CTRL + PrintCopy an image to the clipboard
ALT + Arrow downOpens the corresponding listbox in a listbox data field
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