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  • PLANTA project supports three different types of hyperlinks
    • HL: Linked files (simple hyperlinks)
    • HL: Local files
    • HL: Files in the DB
  • They differ in their filing procedure and filing directory as well as in their file editing procedure.


  • You can figure out from the data field information which hyperlink type is used in the current module (via F1 in the hyperlink field or via ?-> Data field information in the menu bar) in the Column type field.
  • Depending on the type of hyperlink there are different context menu commands.


  • The maximum length of file names for HL: Local files and HL: Files in the DB is 75 characters.
See also: Hyperlink customizing


  • In general, the procedure of creating a hyperlink and a hyperlink file is the same for all three types of hyperlinks. Only the filing procedure and the filing directory are different:
    • HL: Linked file: When creating a hyperlink, only a link to the already existing file is created.
    • HL: Local files: Upon creation of a hyperlink, a copy of the source file is saved to the local directory.
    • HL: Files in the DB: When creating a hyperlink, a copy of the source file is saved to a temporary directory and to the local directory at the same time.

Web links & directories

  • Furthermore, it is possible to create links to local directories or internet links for all three types of hyperlinks, just the way this is done for files. This can be done e.g. by dragging a directory or internet link to a hyperlink field or via the context menu (Insert command (see below)) The only difference is that instead of a file, only information on the type and destination of the link is saved. The link is opened immediately when it is clicked (in Windows Explorer or the default webbrowser).


  • Right-click on the data field in which you wish to insert the hyperlink.
    • The context menu is opened.
  • Select the Insert command.
  • Click on the Search button in the dialog window.
    • Alternatively, type in part of the required path into the input field or click on the arrow key in the input field. A listbox with a list of recently opened files is opened. Select the required area.
      • Depending on whether you make manual input or use the arrow key, the listbox will react differently.
        • If it is opened by typing in a string, it is dynamic and can be enlarged if necessary.
        • If it is opened by clicking on the arrow key, it is static and its size cannot be changed.
  • Select the required file from the respective directory.
  • Click on Open.
    • The selected path will be displayed in the dialog window.
  • Click on OK in the dialog window.
    • The hyperlink is inserted in the required field.
  • Save in module.
  • Depending on the type of hyperlink, the hyperlink file will either be saved
    • in the local directory (HL: Local files) or
    • in the temporary directory and in the database at the same time (HL: Files in the database) or
    • no file but only a link will be created (HL: Linked files).


  • Copy the required file into the clipboard.
  • Right-click on the data field in which you wish to insert the hyperlink.
    • The context menu is opened.
  • Select the Insert from clipboard command .
    • The hyperlink is inserted in the hyperlink field.
  • Save in module.
  • Depending on the type of hyperlink, the hyperlink file will either be saved
    • in the local directory (HL: Local files) or
    • in the temporary directory and in the database at the same time (HL: Files in the database) or
    • no file but only a link will be created (HL: Linked files).


  • You can directly drag the required element from the explorer to the hyperlink field via Drag&Drop.
  • Save in module.
  • Depending on the type of hyperlink, the hyperlink file will either be saved
    • in the local directory (HL: Local files) or
    • in the temporary directory and in the database at the same time (HL: Files in the database) or
    • no file but only a link will be created (HL: Linked files).


  • Right-click on the source hyperlink (the hyperlink to be copied).
    • The context menu is opened.
  • Select the Copy command.
  • Select the Insert from clipboard command by right-clicking in the required target hyperlink field.
  • Save in module.
  • Depending on the type of hyperlink, the hyperlink file will either be saved
    • in the local directory (HL: Local files) or
    • in the temporary directory and in the database at the same time (HL: Files in the database) or
    • no file but only a link will be created (HL: Linked files).


  • Please note that after copying the hyperlinks, although they have the same name, they are different hyperlinks with each having a separate file in the local directory/database. It is therefore recommended that you rename the copied hyperlink.


  • The function is only available for HL: Local files.


  • Insert a new record containing an appropriate hyperlink field.
  • Save.
  • Confirm the File: Copy file from template? dialog message with Yes.
    • A copy of the template defined by the customizer is inserted in the hyperlink field.


  • Right-click on the hyperlink and select the context menu command Edit hyperlink.
    • The dialog window is opened.
  • Change the text of the hyperlink or insert another hyperlink by selecting the Search button and save.


  • Click on the required hyperlink or select the Open command from the context menu.
  • The control interface will be opened.
  • Change file and save


  • If two users access the same hyperlink simultaneously, the user who was first to open the hyperlink file will be allowed to edit it. The second user can only view the file in read-only mode.


  • Click on the required hyperlink or right click and select the Open command from the context menu.
  • The hyperlink file will be opened.
    • The file will be copied from the database to the temporary directory and opened from there. The file is opened directly from the database.
    • Edit file and save.
  • If changes are to be applied to the database as well, the file must be uploaded to the database.
    • To do so, right-click on the hyperlink and select Upload file from the context menu.
  • If the file is not changed it will remain in the temporary directory throughout the session and can be edited and uploaded again afterwards.
  • If the file is not to be uploaded or changes are to be discarded, the file can be reset to its original state.
    • To do so, right-click the hyperlink and select Reset file from the context menu.
      • As a result, the file will be deleted from the temporary direction.
  • If the file is neither uploaded nor reset, a message will be displayed when you close the program, informing you that data has been changed. If the message is confirmed with OK, the program is closed and the changed data is not uploaded.


  • The name of the hyperlink file can be changed via the Rename file context menu command.

Parallel Editing of Hyperlink Files

  • If two users access the same hyperlink independently, the user who was first to open the hyperlink file is allowed to edit it.
  • Hence, both users can edit and save their own copy.
  • The user who is first to upload his/her file can do so without any problems.
  • When the second user tries to upload his/her file, he/she will see the following message: Database conflict.
    • When clicking on the buttons, the following options will be offered:
      • Compare: Comparing both versions and deciding later what to do.
        • As a result, the latest version from the database is opened (the first user's file) and can be compared to the own version.
      • Reload: Discard changes and load and open the latest version from the database (the first user's file)
      • Overwrite: Discard changes made by other user and save own changes.
      • Back


  • The Downloads window helps the user to get an overview of the files downloaded from the database and/or already changed files.
  • In this window, hyperlinks can be edited even if the module from which they were opened has already been closed.


  • The window is opened via the Extras → Downloads menu item.
  • The window is divided into two subareas:
    • Downloaded files
      • Here, all files are displayed that were downloaded from the database by opening or inserting a hyperlink and saved to the temporary direction.
        • By clicking on the Delete local copy(ies) button next to the heading, these files can be deleted from the temporary directory. As a result, this area is set to empty.
    • Changed files
      • If one of the downloaded files is changed or saved, it is automatically moved from the Downloaded files area to the Changed files area.
        • Here the changed files can be uploaded by marking and clicking on the Upload file button or
        • the changes can be set back via the Reset file button.
  • By double-clicking on a file, it can be opened and edited.


  • Right-click on the required hyperlink and select the Delete hyperlink command from the context menu.
    • As a result, the hyperlink is deleted from the hyperlink field and, depending on the type of hyperlink, it will be deleted
      • from the local directory
      • from the database and from the temporary directory (in case the file was downloaded before).
      • For linked files, only the link will be deleted, not the file itself.


  • If a record which contains a hyperlink is deleted entirely, the hyperlink as well as the hyperlink file will be deleted.


  • If a specific hyperlink was defined as read-only hyperlink by the customizer upon integration, the user may open and view the corresponding hyperlink file but it can't be changed (the file is opened in read-only mode).
  • The hyperlink itself must not be edited either. You can choose between the following two context menu commands: Open and Copy.
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