Enlarges the display of the active module on the screen.
Zoom -
Reduces the display of the active module on the screen.
The following menu items are not contained in the menu bar by default, however, they can be embedded in the menu bar by the customizer if necessary.
Menu item
Enlarge time scale +
SHIFT + scroll up
Enlarges the time scale and all objects below the time scale horizontally. As a result, the scale and possibly the grid of the time scale will be changed.
Reduce time scale -
SHIFT + scroll down
Reduces the time scale and all objects below the time scale horizontally. As a result, the scale and possibly the grid of the time scale will be changed.
Further Zoom Functions
Zoom Function
Key combination
General zoom
STRG + scroll
Zooms the entire module
Horizontal scale zoom
SHIFT + scroll
Enlarges or reduces the time scale and all objects below the time scale horizontally. This will change the scale and possibly the interval of the time scale.
Vertical Scale Zoom
CTRL + SHIFT + scroll
Enlarges or reduces the histogram scale and all objects in the histogram scale vertically. As a result, the scale is changed.
Zoom in Print Preview or Page Break Preview
Zoom Functions as Menu Items
Menu item
Zoom = 100 %
CTRL + 0
Zooms the module content to 100 %.
Zooms to page width
Zooms the module content to page width.
Zoom +
CTRL + scroll up with the mouse
Enlarges the module content. Margins, header and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
Zoom -
CTRL + scroll down with the mouse
Reduces the module content. Margins, header and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can change the splitting of the module content over several pages and the number of pages may thus vary.
You can enter the required zoom degree. The displayed value is refreshed automatically if you zoom using the Zoom + or Zoom -buttons.
Further Zoom Functions
Zoom Function
Key combination
General zoom
ALT + scroll
Zooms the entire page, comparable to MS Word Zoom.
Horizontal scale zoom
SHIFT + scroll
Enlarges or reduces the time scale and all objects below the time scale horizontally. This will change the scale and possibly the interval of the time scale. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
Vertical Scale Zoom
CTRL + SHIFT + scroll
Enlarges or reduces the histogram scale and all objects in the histogram scale vertically. As a result, the scale is changed. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
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