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PLANTA project and Outlook


The following requirements apply to the integration of PLANTA project with Outlook calendar:

  • PLANTA project must be installed.
  • Outlook must be installed.
  • PLANTA link must be licensed.


To enable the integration of PLANTA project with Outlook you have to make the following settings:

  • Web interfaces must be turned on: the generic_service = true parameter must be activated in the web.conf (default = deactivated).
  • Web interface 01ba49c1-5476-0e4c-bd4c-b7775a961aa6 "iCalendar Dates" must be  active  (default = activated).
  • In order for Outlook to be able to retrieve the calendar you have to deactivate authentication  in the web.conf  apikey_auth_filter_generic = false (default = activated).

Standard Web Interface "iCalendar Dates"

  • The interface is called via GET.
  • It fetches the dates of the resources from the database by filtering.
  • It converts these dates into the iCalendar format.
  • It passes the calendar to the client.

Adjust the Interface

To adjust the interface you have to take the following steps:

  • Create a new web interface implementation class which inherits from CalendarFeed.
  • The  CalendarFeed class has two attributes which determine how the calendar is structured.
    • ASSIGNMENT_CLS points to a class which can turn a date (Task name, Calk. start, Calc. end) into a VEVENT entry.
    • CALENDAR_CLS points to a class which receives a list of ASSIGNMENT_CLS- instances on the basis of which it generates a VCALENDAR.
  • Based on these classes you can also create subclasses which modify the behavior and then simply set the appropriate references in the new CalendarFeed subclass.
  • Then, all you have to do is to exchange the GET implementation of the "iCalendar Dates” web interface. This will be detected by the Conflict Management Procedure at a later point and then be reapplied after an update.

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