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PLANTA link 39.5.20


Version 39.5.20 contains: Database 39.5.20, Server 39.5.33, Client 39.5.32

released on: 09/29/2023

  • Below you will find a list of release notes for PLANTA link functions. For release notes for user and and customizing functions, please refer to the PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA customizer help areas.
  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.
  • Under Releases and Downloads in the Technology/Installation help area, you are provided with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases. You will find links there to the corresponding release notes as well as information on how to install and update the software depending on which release you use.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.


Key Description

New web interfaces for Adaptive Cards have been implemented.

  • Refresh Adaptive Card
  • Process Adaptive Card action

See also: Adaptive Cards-Customizer


The new Avatars web interface for exchanging the resource avatars with other applications, e.g. in Adaptive Cards, has been implemented.

  • The interface is configured with API token authentication and must remain at this setting in order for avatars to be displayed correctly in the Adaptive Cards.
  • A token must be created and linked before first use.

The Data Maintenance module for viewing and possible deleting links by users from the AD and PLANTA has been implemented.  


Automatic synchronization based on “Pulse hybrid synchronization“ and “Jira hybrid synchronization” time-controlled events has been implemented. The corresponding interfaces are run automatically executed each minute if the project system is configured for the corresponding external system. For pulse, the user, project, task, and then resource assignment interfaces are executed automatically. For Jira, only the project and task interfaces are executed automatically.

In the course of automation, the existing standard interfaces for pulse and standard interfaces for Jira have been revised. The former pulse/Jira interfaces which were used to synchronize the current context object have been set to Hidden but they still exist in the system. 


In the course of synchronization rebuild, the following changes have been made to the user synchronization.

  • The 009D6T & 009CZ1 user synchronization modules now each contain a checkbox for marking users for synchronization. If a user is synchronized, the checkbox cannot be activated again. You first have to delete the linkage.
  • Now, users are only created/linked in external systems which contain a verified person.
  • Users left are no longer linked to the external system. Now, users are only created/linked in external systems which contain a verified person. If the users are linked to an external system, users who exist in the external system but could not be linked to project are no longer treated as errors but are simply written in the logging for information purposes (pulse & Jira). The 009D6T & 009CZ1 User Synchronization modules now only show the users who would also be created in pulse/Jira / linked to pulse/Jira. Users the e-mail address of whom is not unique are ignored by the user interface.
  • In the PLANTA pulse and PLANTA Hybrid Parameters module, "Interface: Create New Users", "Interface: Link Existing Users" and "Interface: Refresh User Master Data" have been deleted and the new "Interface: Users" has been moved from the User Synchronization (pulse) area to the Hybrid Interfaces (pulse) area.
  • Headings and layout in the 009D6V & 009CYX Synchronized Objects modules have been adjusted and the button for creating API tokens has been removed (you should use this button in user synchronization).
  • The Jira interfaces which are currently not used by the standard have been hidden in the configuration.
  • Logging: See 26762

A new data table (DT599) has been implemented to log the communication between PLANTA project and external systems.

  • The Hybrid Protocol module with the Hybrid Protocol Actions submodule which serve to check the synchronization of the projects and tasks with PLANTA pulse and Jira has been implemented. 
  • For checking the user synchronization with PLANTA pulse you can also use the Hybrid Protocol Actions module which can be opened from the User Synchronization module via the Show protocol button. The logging of the user synchronization is still carried out with PLANTA link logging.

Migration packet: AddExternalProtocol


Hybrid interfaces are locked during transfer. This lock is automatically lifted after 5 minutes if no further record is transferred. This is necessary if, for example, the server was shut down while a transfer was still in progress.


The new ppms.interface.BasePyRFCModule base module subclass for PLANTA link has been implemented, which serves to establish a connection to SAP using the new pyrfc library. 

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