Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board entry in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and then, in the Portfolios module which has just opened, on the link on the portfolio's ID. Subsequently, click on the Budget module tab in the open portfolio.
Who can budget a portfolio?
All users,who have access to theBudgetmodule and modification rights for portfolios. In PLANTA standard these are managers of the respective portfolio and multi-portfolio managers. Information on the user rights can be foundhere.
In PLANTA, the portfolio budget is not defined and approved per entire portfolio but per year.
Specify Budget
Click on theInsert period (budget) button.
Select the year(s) for which you want to budget the portfolio in theCreate Yearly Tranche dialog module.
Click on theAssign selected objectsbutton. The respective yearly tranche is created.
In the yearly tranche, the summarized cost and budget data of all planning objects of the portfolio will automatically be displayed per cost type group.
Enter the portfolio budget for each cost type group manually in the Portfolio budget column. Save.
You can tell whether the budget of the planning objects exceeds the portfolio budget by the color of the Deviation and % deviation fields. Further information
Approve Budget
Click on theApprove period button for the required year.
Confirm theDo you really want to approve the period? querywithYes.
TheApprovedcheckbox is activated and thus the budget for the period is approved.
An approved period cannot be edited or deleted. To do so, you first have to cancel the approval.
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