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Copy Schedule MOD0099J9


  • This module enables you to copy default schedules from template projects (projects with Status = 0) or schedules from already existing, active projects (projects with Status = 1) to newly created projects or complementarily to already existing projects.
    • You can copy entire schedules or only parts of them.


  • The Copy Schedule module can only be opened from the Schedule module of a newly created or existing project. For details see Procedure.

Copy in a new schedule

  • Open the Schedule module of the target project.
    • If the project does not yet contain any tasks, the Copy and paste a schedule? query will be displayed immediately. Answer it with Yes.
    • If the project already contains tasks, right-click on the project bar and select the Copy Schedule context menu command. 
      • The Copy Schedule module is opened at the bottom margin of the panel.
      • Select the required project from the listbox.
      • Start the copy process by Clicking on the Copy schedule button.
      • The schedule which has been copied to the project is displayed and can be edited.
        • If the schedule is not copied complementarily, the functional task IDs are adjusted automatically.

Copy part of a schedule

  • Open the Schedule module of the target project.
    • If the project does not yet contain any tasks, the Copy and paste a schedule? query will be displayed immediately. Answer it with Yes.
    • If the project already contains tasks, right-click on the project bar and select the Copy Schedule context menu command. 
      • The Copy Schedule module is opened at the bottom margin of the panel.
      • Select the required project from the listbox.
      • Mark the required tasks and click on the Copy schedule button.
        • If the part to be copied contains links to tasks that are not to be included in the copy, this will be indicated by a message. After confirming the message, the marked tasks are copied as required, however, without links that lead to the tasks which are not to be copied.


  • It is possible to copy additively from a number of copy sources in succession.
  • Customizing determines which data will be included.
    • Durations, resource assignments, todo items, task notes, todo item notes, links, and external tasks will be included in the copy by default.
    • External links will not be included in the copy. An info message will be displayed which lists external links that are not to be included in the copy.
    • If the Resource request/approval function is active, no resource assignments will be adopted when the schedule is copied and they will therefore not be displayed during the copy procedure.
  • Technical task IDs will be created automatically by default when a schedule is copied. If you want them to be copied like the functional task IDs, the customizing of the Copy Schedule module must be adjusted individually. For the procedure, click here.
  • The following applies to structured projects: If a schedule is to be copied to one of the subprojects, this can as well be done from the main project. For this purpose, it is not necessary to open the subproject separately.

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