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Listbox Values (Project) MOD0099E4



  • This module offers an option to adjust the listbox values of different project parameters without customizing rights.
  • In PLANTA, all listbox values are organized in listbox categories. In order for the listbox categories to be displayed in this module and their values to be editable, the listbox categories must be marked as project categories. This is done via the "project" entry in the Area name field in the Listbox Values customizing module.
    • New listbox categories can only be created or edited in the Listbox Values module.

Create/Edit Listbox Values

  • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox category name field.
  • Change the listbox value in question or create a new listbox value by right-clicking and selecting the context menu command Insert → Listbox Values or Listbox Values (Old)
  • Save. 

Delete Listbox Values

  • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox Category Name field.
  • Mark the requested data area using CTRL + click.
  • Click on the Delete button.


  • If you try to delete a listbox category, the listbox category is retained while the listbox values are deleted automatically.
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