Monitor and Analyze Portfolio
- In PLANTA portfolio there are several options to get information on the status and progress of a portfolio.
- You can
- have a look at critical planning objects and monitor important planning objects with a watchlist,
- get an overview of estimates and deviations of all planning objects contained in the portfolio,
- check the detailed status reports of the portfolio and of the individual planning objects,
- have a look at diagrams and detailed reports on the portfolio.
Critical Planning Objects and Watchlist
- As soon as a planning object becomes critical, it will be displayed in the list of critical planning objects.
- Planning projects are considered critical when they overrun the cost or effort budget, when they are in default with master milestones, or when they are estimated as neutral or negative by the responsible project manager.
- The displayed planning object data is current planning data.
- The watchlist lists planning objects which the portfolio manager has marked for monitoring.
- The watchlist contains information on objective contributions, risk values, NPV, probable gross profit, and probable damage of the planning objects.
Where can I find critical planning objects and the watchlist?
In the Dashboard module of the required portfolio.
Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board entry in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and then, in the Portfolios module which has just opened, on the link on the portfolio's ID.
Estimates and Deviation Values of All Planning Objects
- In the overview of all planning objects of a portfolio, you can see estimates of the responsible project managers (total estimate of the planning object, quality, risks/opportunities) as well as deviation values calculated by scheduling (costs, effort, dates) from the status reports which have been selected for the planning objects in the Status module.
- Next to the total estimate of the respective project manager, the portfolio manager’s estimate will be displayed for each planning object.
Where can I find estimates and deviation values of all planning objects?
In the Planning Objects module of the required portfolio.
Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board entry in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and then, in the Portfolios module which has just opened, on the link on the portfolio's ID. Subsequently, click on the Planning Objects module tab in the open portfolio.
Who is allowed see estimates and deviation values of all planning objects?
All users who have access to the Planning Objects module. In PLANTA standard, these are the managers of the corresponding portfolio and the multi-portfolio managers. For further information on user rights, please click here.
- With the help of the status reports of a portfolio and the corresponding planning objects you can analyze progress.
Where can I look at status reports?
In the Status module of the required portfolio as well as in individual status reports of the portfolio and of the planning objects.
Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board entry in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and then, in the Portfolios module which has just opened, on the link on the portfolio's ID. Subsequently, click on the Status module tab in the open portfolio. In order to open a status report, click on the ID of the status report in question.
Diagrams and Detailed Reports on the Portfolio
- Different graphical analyses on the most important factors of the portfolio are created on the basis of the project data contained in the portfolio: costs and budget, risks and opportunities, objective contributions and risk values, etc.
Where can I see portfolio analyses?
In the Info Board module of the required portfolio.
Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board entry in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and then, in the Portfolios module which has just opened, on the link on the portfolio's ID. Subsequently, click on the Info Board module tab in the open portfolio.
Who is allowed to see portfolio analyses?
All users who have access to the Info Board module. In PLANTA standard these are managers of the respective portfolio and multi-portfolio managers. For information on user rights, please click here.