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Calculation of Dates


The results of scheduling include:

Calculation of Successor Dates


  • The network theory and the practical approach are available for determining the start of a task successor.

Network plan theoretical approach
The successor starts on the day on which the predecessor ends.

Practical approach
The successor does not start before the next day.
  • in PLANTA project
    • tasks with duration > 0 and EA relation are planned according to the practical approach, i.e. The successor starts on the following working day
    • tasks with duration = 0 (e.g. milestones) and EA relation are planned in the following way:
      • If the duration of a task = 0, you can define via the Successor task start +1 day model parameter when its successor is supposed to start.
      • If the successor of a task has a duration of = 0, the successor always starts on the same day as the task itself.


  • Requested and actual dates which fall on non-working days (vacation, absence) remain as such and are taken into consideration in the scheduling of calculated dates. Start and end dates can thus also be planned on non-working days. The duration, however, is still displayed in working days. The resources are only loaded on working days.
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  • The TA Requested start of task A falls on Sunday, 11/10/2019, a non-working day. The start of task A is scheduled for the Requested start date.
  • Task B has no requested date, it therefore starts on the next working day.
  • Resource Ronja Koch is on vacation from 11/11/2019 to 11/15/2019. It is not scheduled during its vacation.
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