Split Tasks into Todo Items
- Todo items are small tasks within the project tasks which are to be completed (to-dos) and which can be assigned to individual resources for completion.
Where can I create todo items?
In the Schedule and Todo Items modules of the required project
You can open the project a) by opening a dialog window via the Extras → Go to menu or via CTRL + G and entering the ID of the required project or b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module. The Todo Items module can be found under the Further... module tab.
Who is allowed to create todo items?
All users who have access to the Scheduleand Todo Items modules and have modification rights for projects. These are, in PLANTA standard, managers of the respective project, their deputies, or multi-project managers. For further information on rights, please click here.
Schedule Module
Create Todo Items in theProcedure
- Switch to the With todo items module variant via the burger menu in the module tab of the Schedule module.
- Right-click on the required task and select the Insert → Todo item context menu command.
- A todo item line will be inserted.
- Enter the name of the todo item in the Todo item name field.
- Save.
- As a result, the ID number (Todo item field) of the todo item is generated automatically.
- The Created on / Created by: name of the todo item are automatically filled with the current date and the current user.
- Fill the required fields, e.g. the date up to which the todo item is to be completed (when a todo item is created, today’s date is automatically entered here), resource which is to complete the todo item, etc.
- Save.
Todo Items Module
Create Todo Items in theThe Todo Items module can also be used as an alternative for the creation and consultation of todo items of a project since, unlike the complex schedule, it only lists tasks with their corresponding todo items and thus provides a clearer overview. It furthermore displays todo items grouped by category.
- Click on the plus symbol in the upper area of the Todo Items module.
- The Create todo item dialog module is opened, in which all tasks of the project are displayed.
Activate the Select checkbox for the tasks for which you want to create todo items.
- You switch back to theTodo Items module in which the selected tasks are displayed with the automatically created records for todo items. In the course of this, the todo item IDs are generated automatically as well.
- Fill the required fields of the tasks, e.g. the todo item name, the date up to which the todo item is to be completed, resource who is to complete the todo item, etc.
- Save.
If todo items have already been created, you can switch to the data sheet of the respective task where individual todo items can be edited by clicking on the link on the ID of the required todo item.
In the descriptions of the Schedule and Todo Items modules you can furthermore find other editing options for todo items, e.g. how to create notes or checklists.
By integrating PLANTA’s other product PLANTA pulse, PLANTA provides an alternative for the creation and management of todo items in PLANTA project which also allows for agile task planning. Instead of splitting up a task into todo items in PLANTA project, you can simply export the task to PLANTA pulse where it can be planned and controlled agilely based on the Kanban method. Effort recorded in PLANTA pulse will automatically be transferred to PLANTA project and will be seamlessly included in planning and controlling. For further information, please click here