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Delete MOD009A9V



  • In this module, the selected planning object can be deleted completely and for good.
    • If it is a structured project, you can either
    • delete the entire project
    • or only delete individual subprojects.


  • If there are status reports, actual postings, portfolio or program assignments for a planning object, a note is displayed in black, bold font below the corresponding planning object in the Delete module. The planning object can be deleted anyway.
  • If there are status reports of planning objects in program or portfolio status reports, such planning objects cannot be deleted. A message indicating this will be displayed. The programs and portfolios concerned are displayed under planning objects with their corresponding status reports.

Delete a planning object / simple project

  • Click on the Delete entire structure or Delete button in the Delete module.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes.

Delete a structured project

  • Click on the Delete entire structure button.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes.
  • The main project will be deleted including its subprojects.
    • If a certain subproject is not to be deleted, you have to detach it from the exisiting project structure in the Subprojects module before clicking on the Delete entire structure button.

Delete Individual Subprojects

  • Click on the Delete button next to the required subproject.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes .
  • A subproject can only be deleted if it has no subprojects.
    • If a subproject contains further child projects, a dialog message will be displayed when deleting this subproject: Deletion not possible: there is a (are) subordinate project(s).
    • If you want to delete a subproject and its child projects, you have to delete all of its child projects beforehand.

Rights to Delete

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