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Planning Object Status MOD009DQB



  • This module provides an overview of all planning objects assigned to a portfolio and contains the following information per planning object:

    • estimate of the planning object by the portfolio manager,

    • estimate of the entire project from the current planning by the project manager, 

    • estimates on individual factors (costs, effort, dates, quality, risks and opportunities), visualized by a thumb symbol,

    • automatically calculated planning objects statuses for the cost, effort, and date factors, visualized by the corresponding traffic light.

  • The estimates and statuses are displayed for the following planning statuses: 

    • current planning,

    • baseline report,

    • active released status report (last released status report)

    • released status report (the status report which was active before the current one).


  • The portfolio manager can write comments for each planning object and edit them. He/she can furthermore adjust the estimate via the » button.

  • By clicking on the ID of the required planning object you switch to the corresponding planning object panel (Program, Project, Proposal, Idea), in which the planning object data can be edited or viewed depending on the user rights.

  • By clicking on the report number you switch to the Status Report module.


  • The status report data is only displayed if respective status reports exist.

  • Below the programs you will also find the estimates and the status of the associated projects.

  • If the displayed projects also contain subprojects, only the main projects are displayed.

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