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Programs MOD009C9U



  • This module shows an overview of all programs created and all projects contained in the programs.


  • By clicking on the ID of the required program, you can switch to the corresponding Program panel, in which you can edit or have a look at the program data depending on your user rights.
  • By expanding the tree structure, the projects assigned to the programs can be displayed or hidden.
  • Below the time scale, the dates of programs and projects as well as their master milestones are additionally visualized by the bars.
  • By clicking on the arrows in the time scale area (

    for incoming and
    for outgoing links), you can open and look at external links of the planning object in a dialog module. If you click on the arrow again, the dialog module is closed again.

Legend: Program/Project

Requested dates
Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
Calculated dates
The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E

Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button

The code of the planning objects is defined and changed in the Planning Objects (in Table Form) module (the code of projects and proposals can also be defined and changed in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.

Actual datesThe bar is hatched in white. The background color depends on the code of the planning object.

Actual start and Actual end (if available, otherwise Latest time recording date ) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) during calculation of the schedule of the respective planning object by clicking on the calculation button


Float available when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
A delay occurs when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
External links


gate without delay
gate with delay
main gate/main milestone

A gate is a master milestone of the planning objects.
Without delay means: Total float >= 0
With delay means: Total float < 0

Gates are only displayed in the Schedule module if the Schedule with gates checkbox has been activated in the Project Core Data module in the core data module of the respective planning object

Master milestones with Actual end are not displayed as gates.

Quality gate
Quality gates are the items given from the portfolio and are only displayed in planning objects if they are assigned to this planning object in the portfolio to which the planning object belongs.

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