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Project Analyses


  • PLANTA project offers different automatically created analyses on different factors of a project, like costs, effort, dates, milestones, Earned Value Analysis, etc., based on planned and reported data.
  • The Info Board module is a center for project analyses in the project panel of the respective module. Several diagrams and graphics on different factors are already contained here by default, e.g. cost and effort trend, Earned Value, etc. Further analyses can be retrieved via the corresponding links. Under the Further... tab you will find a list of all analysis modules which can be opened from the Info Board via links.  
Resource Requirements

This module provides you with an overview of actual and remaining loads of the project resources per month.

Cost Reports 

This module provides an overview of the most important cost and cost budget data of a project.
Total Costs and Revenues of the ProjectThis module provides a time-related overview of total costs and revenues of each project.
Cost Trend AnalysisIn this module, the cost trend of the current project is displayed on the basis of status reports.
Effort ReportsThis module provides an overview of the most important effort and effort budget data of a project.
Effort Trend AnalysisIn this module, the effort trend of the current project is displayed on the basis of status reports.
DeviationIn this module, the current project status (dates, costs, effort) can be compared to the status of already existing, released status reports.
Milestone Overview This module provides an overview of all master milestones and milestones of the selected project and of its subprojects (if available).
Check Reported Hours

In this module, the recorded hours worked of the selected project can be checked.

Opportunity Trend Analysis

In this module, the trend of the monetary gross profit of a project established by the project opportunities on the basis of project status reports will be displayed graphically and gross profit data (current and from status reports) will be displayed in table form for comparison.

Risk Trend Analysis

In this module, the trend of the monetary damage established by the risks on the basis of project status reports will be displayed graphically and damage data (current and from status reports) will be displayed in table form for comparison.

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