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Tutorials on PLANTA project and PLANTA portfolio

Suitable forTutorialDescription
Prospective customers

Plan a Project (light)

Video tutorial

Quick and compact insight into the PLANTA software. Creation and outline planning of a project, planning of resources, time recording.

Project staff

Manage My Activities and Hours Worked

Video tutorial

Most important user functions of PLANTA project and employee information: Recording of hours worked, vacation planning, etc.
Project managers and multi-project managers

Plan and Control Project

Video tutorial

Creation and planning of projects, creation of a schedule, planning of resources, creation of status reports, reporting of hours worked, etc.

Structure TasksStructure tasks of a planning object in the schedule graphically and in table form

Plan ResourcesResource planning with PLANTA project

Plan a Project with a Process ModelCreation and in-depth planning of projects of projects with process models
Portfolio managers

Plan a PortfolioCreation and evaluation of a new project proposal as well as its inclusion in the portfolio

Plan Resources with Resource SimulationResource planning in PLANTA project with resource simulation in PLANTA portfolio

Create and manage usersCreation of employee data (persons, users, stakeholders) as well as their roles and rights

Tutorials for Working with Linked Systems

Suitable forTutorialDescription

Project managers and multi-project managers

Plan a Project with PLANTA Hybrid

Planning and controlling of a project with the PLANTA Hybrid method: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA  project  to PLANTA  pulse , in-depth planning of tasks in PLANTA  pulse , etc.

Project managers and multi-project managers

Plan a Project with PLANTA project and Jira

Planning and implementation of a project with PLANTA  project and Jira: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to Jira, todo item allocation and time recording in Jira, etc.

Project staff

Recording of Hours Worked with PLANTA Hybrid (Web/Desktop)

Recording of Hours Worked When Using the PLANTA Hybrid Method
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