Work Areas MOD0099YT
- PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Work Areas
- Customizer → System Customizer → Users, Roles, Resources → Work Areas
- Customizer → System Customizer → Users, Roles, Resources → Roles → Click on the link in the Work area name field in a module work area
- In this module you can,
- you can create new work areas and edit already existing ones.
- only module work areas are edited or put together.
- Work areas to which menu items are assigned are called menu item work areas. They are created or edited in the Menu Items module.
In the PLANTA software, work areas are structuring units with the help of which modules and menu items can be grouped to improve clarity. Work areas, again, can be grouped to larger units called roles. In user menus, modules are listed grouped by work area and role.
- The way modules are displayed in the user menu depends on their respective position in the work areas module. The positioning of modules can be changed by moving them.
- To do so, drag the required module with the left mouse button while holding down SHIFT.
Create and Compile Work Area
- The newly created (or already existing) work area can be assembled by assigning modules to it.
- Open the Work Areas module.
- Automatically, a blank work area record appears.
- Assign a name to the new work area in the Work area field.
- After the input has been confirmed, a number is generated automatically in the Work area ID field.
- Select the GR module grouping value from the listbox in the Category field.
- Assign modules to the work area. For this purpose:
- right-click on the work area record and select the Module command.
- The module data record is inserted.
- Select the number of the required module from the listbox in the MOD field or enter it manually.
- Save.
- Assign further modules to the work area in this way.
- right-click on the work area record and select the Module command.
Edit Work Area
- The work area can be modified by changing the values in the Work area and Module assignment parameters.
- Via the Mark double assignment context menu command on the assigned modules you can control whether the work area contains double module assignments.Tutorial
- Via the Edit module context menu command on one of the assigned modules you can switch to the module customizing in which the corresponding module can be edited.
See also: Compile work areas section of the User Tutorial |