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DT200 Request/approval

DI065900 Project name

Name of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065222 Project ID

Technical ID of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065976 Calc. end

Calculated end date (determined in the schedule calculation) of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065887 Resource

Name (incarnation field) of the requested/approved resource

DI065233 Comment

Comment on the resource request

DI065950 Priority

Priority of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065970 Requested start

Requested start date of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065215 Status

Status code of the resource request. For description, see DI065255.

  • 0 - Created
  • 1 - In progress
  • 2 - Approved
  • 3 - Rejected

DI065255 Status text

Status text of the resource request. For codes, see DI065215


  • Created: The project manager of a project has created a resource request.
  • In progress: The project manager has submitted the resource request.
  • Released: The department manager has approved the resource request.
  • Rejected: The department manager has rejected the resource request.


  • Only requests with created status can be deleted.
  • All other requests can only be archived The requests are archived via the Archive request button in the button area of the request. The archived requests are then marked by the activated is archived: Yes/No checkbox.

DI065213 UUID

Universally Unique Identifier of the table (primary key)

DI065975 Calc. start

Calculated start date (determined in the schedule calculation) of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065901 Functional task ID

Functional ID of the task for which resources are requested/approved

DI065946 is archived: yes/no

Checkbox which shows whether the resource request has been archived

DI065902 Task name

Name of the task for which resources are requested

DI065899 Functional project ID

Functional ID of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065959 Request date

Date on which the request has been created

DI065971 Requested end

Requested end date of the project for which resources are requested/approved

DI065221 Resource ID

ID of the requested/approved resource

DI065969 Approval date

Date on which the resource was approved

DI065886 Resource name

Name of the requested/approved resource

DI065884 Task ID

Technical ID of the task for which resources are requested/approved

DI065951 Project manager

Project manager of the project

DI066093 Main project ID

ID of the main project for which resources are requested/approved

DI066094 Department manager

Department manager of the requested/approved resource

DI066276 Request level (project/task)

Level of the request (project or task)


  • For requests at task level, the name of the task to which the request belongs will additionally be displayed.

DI066360 Requested total

Hours which are requested for the resource in the entire period

DI066361 Approved total

Hours which are approved for the resource in the entire period

DI066362 Difference total

Difference between the requested and approved values in the entire period

DI066365 Requested in period

Hours which are requested for the resource in the period which is currently visible below the time scale


  • On the field a traffic light is stored which colors colors the field yellow when there are requests which are outside the visible period.

DI066372 Approved in period

Hours which are approved for the resource in the period which is currently visible below the time scale

DI066376 Exceeded approval read

Checkbox for marking an approval exceedance as read


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