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DT499 Object process

DI041138 Process step

ID of a process step. A process step is an operational instruction for a person/resource/user.

DI057824 Process step name

Here, the process step name is entered or displayed.

DI041139 Project ID

ID of the project to which the process with the selected process step belongs

DI041144 Created by

When a record is created, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field. The creating user is also the owner of a record.

DI059171 >>

Focus todo item arrow button. By clicking on this button, the user is redirected to the module to be edited. The field to be edited will be focused in the corresponding module, provided that the appropriate settings have already been defined in the Process Model Templates module.


  • The arrow key is only displayed in the Process Status module if the settings mentioned above have been defined.

  • If it is an individual process step or a process step with a defined action, the "I" or "A" indicators are displayed instead of the arrow button.

DI056896 Resource

Name of the resource responsible for the completion of the process step

DI041353 Resource ID

Code (ID) of the resource which is to complete/has completed the process step

DI056947 Not required

(De)activating the checkbox for this parameter defines whether the completion of the corresponding process is required or not.

DI057848 Project

Functional ID of the project to which the process step hours are reported

DI057849 Project

Incarnation field for selecting a functional ID of the project, to which the hours of the process step are to be reported.

DI057847 Task ID

Technical ID of the task to which the process step hours are reported. For description, see Task.

DI058995 Task

Functional ID of the task to which the process step hours are to be reported.

DI041168 Phase name

Name of the phase to which the process step belongs

DI057914 Priority

Priority of the process step


  • high

  • medium

  • low

DI058039 Status name

Name of the process step status.



Is automatically set for the Approval process step for Approve → Return to creator process step


Is automatically set for all process steps with Give approval → Approve


Is set manually or automatically when clicking on the Not required checkbox. If the Not required checkbox is deactivated again, the status remains at "completed" and must be changed manually if required.


Initial status of all process steps

Is automatically set for the Submission process step if approval is rejected.


Is automatically set for Give approval → Project cancellation


Is set manually

DI058038 Status name

Name of the status. For description, see DI058039

DI041385 Date

Date by which the process step is to be completed


  • You cannot select a date which lies in the past.

DI041370 Object

The type of object (project or request) to which the process step relates is displayed here.

DI062228 Master milestone

In this field you can select a master milestone for each process phase which will automatically be set to "completed" after approval of the process phase.


  • The listbox only shows data, i.e. master milestones, which actually exist in the selected project. If there are no master milestones, only the header data of the project (ID and name) will be displayed in the listbox.

DI062229 Summary task

In this field, summary tasks, the sub tasks of which are only released for editing after release of the process phase, can be defined for each process phase.


  • The listbox only shows data, i.e. summary tasks, which actually exists in the selected project. If there are no summary tasks, only the header data of the project (ID and name) will be displayed in the listbox.

DI063275 Placeholder

DI063594 Placeholder set

Shows whether a placeholder has been defined for the process step in the Process Model Templates module.

DI041188 Comment

Here you can submit a comment on the process step.

DI057947 VDI: 1

Technical data item. It is used to visualize the number of process steps in different modules. E.g. in the Activities area (Todo items up to DB 39.5.0) in the Dashboard module, the number of process steps is displayed by 4 statuses (late, today, future, without date).

DI041506 File

In this field you can create a link to a file.

Insert file

  • Right-click on the Linked file field and select the Insert context menu command.
  • Click on the Search button in the Insert hyperlink window.
  • Select the required file and click on the Open button.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Save.


  • It is also possible to directly insert files from, e.g., the Windows explorer or files attached to e-mails via Drag&Drop.

DI057970 Project name

Name of the project to which the process step hours are recorded.

DI041557 Object name

Name of the object (project or request)

DI057850 Task name

Name of the task to which the process step hours are recorded.

DI057912 Planned effort

Planned effort of the resource assignment (in resource units).

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