This module is the information center of a project.
It provides an overview of the most important project data.
Project data cannot be edited.
If the module described here is opened and at the same time you make changes to another module of the project panel which have an influence on the data in the module described here and save them (or if another user has done so), the Refresh button is displayed at the lower left corner of this module. You have to click on this button in order to refresh the display of the data.
Process Status
When a process model has been selected in the Process Status module, the process bar, which includes all defined phases of the selected module, is displayed at the top of the module.
Completed phases are displayed in gray font.
The phase the process steps of which are currently in process is highlighted in color (bold white font).
Future phases are displayed in black font.
By clicking on a completed or current phase you can switch to the Process Status module. The system automatically jumps to the phase you have clicked on. As a result, the phase is highlighted.
Configure Trend Analysis
By clicking on the Configure trend analysis button next to the header bar you switch to the eponymous module in which you can select status reports for trend analysis and graphical analyses (see the description of the areas below).
The Budget and Costs area contains the following subareas:
Budget and Costs by Cost Type Groups
Cost Trend
Effort Trend
Earned value
Budget and Costs by Cost Type Groups
In the Budget and Costs by Cost Type Groups subarea, budget and costs are visualized in a pie chart mapped by cost type groups. The data results from the last released status report. Cost type groups which do not contain values are not indicated in the diagrams.
Cost Trend
In the Cost trend child area, the trend of the project costs is displayed graphically based on status reports. You can define the status reports which are used for graphical analysis in the Configure Trend Analysis module which is opened via the button next to the header bar. If there are no status reports for the present project yet, no data will be displayed in the graphics.
The number of profiles in the graphic corresponds to the number of status reports.
Every profile has its own color. Which profile represents which status can be learned from the graphic.
Each month is visualized by a circle on the profile. When you move the cursor over the circle, a tooltip is displayed showing the ID and the name of the status report as well as effort data for the corresponding month.
If the profiles , overlap, the tooltips are only displayed on the line of the most recent status report. To view the data of the curve, you can hide overlapping profiles. To do so, click on the corresponding status report in the legend to remove it from the display. By clicking on it again, you can unhide the status report again.
Below the graphic, different percentage deviation values of the costs from the active (last released) status report are displayed.
Above the graphic, the budget values from the current planning are displayed.
By clicking on the Cost Trend Analysis link you switch to the module of the same name in which the cost trend is displayed on the basis of the project status reports.
Effort Trend
In the Effort trend child area, the effort trend is represented graphically based on the status reports. You can define the status reports which are used for graphical analysis in the Configure Trend Analysis module which is opened via the button next to the header bar. If there are no status reports for the present project yet, no data will be displayed in the graphics.
The number of profiles in the graphic corresponds to the number of status reports.
Every profile has its own color. Which profile represents which status can be learned from the graphic.
Each month is visualized by a circle on the profile. If you move the mouse over the circle, a tooltip is displayed showing the header data of the status report and effort data for the corresponding month.
Each month is visualized by a circle on the profile. If you move the cursor over the circle, a tooltip is displayed showing the ID and the name of the status report and of the effort data of the corresponding month.
If the profiles , overlap, the tooltips are only displayed on the line of the most recent status report. To view the data of the curve, you can hide overlapping profiles. To do so, click on the corresponding status report in the legend to remove it from the display. By clicking on it again, you can unhide the status report again.
Below the graphic, different percentage deviation values of the effort from the active (last released) status report are displayed.
Above the graphic, the budget values from the current planning are displayed.
By clicking on the Effort Trend Analysis link you switch to the module of the same name in which the cost trend is displayed on the basis of the project status reports.
Earned value
In the Earned value area, analyses concerning
Earned value
are visualized based on the last released status report and the current baseline as well as
SPI/CPI trend and SV/CV trend
The data area is only displayed if earned value data is available. For the respective requirements, see Earned Value Analysis.
If the selected project is a structured project, only the data of the main project is displayed here.
Earned value
The graphic displays the progress of key figures at project level such as planned costs (from project start to project end), actual costs and earned value (from project start to key date).
The graphic contains three profiles.
Red profile for planned costs: The values are adopted from the baseline report.
Blue profile for actual costs: The values are taken from the last released status report.
Orange profile for earned value. The values are taken from the last released status report.
Additionally, the meaning of each color is explained in the legend below the graphic.
If you move the mouse over the circles next to the profiles, the following information is displayed in the tooltip: key figures, month, and monthly value. Additionally, the number and name of the baseline report are displayed in the profile for planned costs.
By clicking on the plus symbol left to the graphic, monthly values of the last released status report can be displayed or hidden. Displayed values correspond to the values in the graphic.
SPI/CPI trend and SV/CV trend
The two graphics show the SPI/CPI trend (time efficiency/cost efficiency) or the SV/CV trend (deviation from the plan/cost deviation).
Each graphic contains two profiles.
Every profile has its own color. The meaning of each color is explained in the legend below the graphic.
Monthly values of the key figures are displayed next to the circles on the profiles.
If you move the mouse over the circles, the following information will be displayed in the tooltip: key figures, month, and monthly value.
Additionally, status reports that are used in the graphics are listed below the graphics. Displayed values correspond to the values in the graphic.
If several status reports exist for the same report month, the last released status report is displayed in the Info Board module.
By clicking on the Reporting link you switch to the Earned Value Analysis module in which the earned value analysis can be viewed.
Earned value reports are updated asynchronously in the database. Consequently, there might be a slight delay in the display of refreshed data when you look at earned value reports.
Milestone Trend
In the Milestone trend area, the milestone or master milestone trend is displayed graphically based on status reports. You can define the status reports which are used for graphical analysis in the Configure Trend Analysis module which is opened via the button next to the header bar. When there are no status reports for the present project yet, no graphics are displayed.
Risk Trend/Opportunity Trend
In the Risk trend and Opportunity trend areas, the development (trend) of the monetary damage caused by the project risks or the monetary gross profit resulting from the project opportunities is illustrated on the basis of the project status reports. You can define the status reports which are used for graphical analysis in the Configure Trend Analysis module which is opened via the button next to the header bar. When there are no status reports for the present project yet, no graphics are displayed.
The graphics contain three graphs: one each for possible, probable, and actual damage.
Every profile has its own color. The meaning of each color is explained in the legend below the graphic.
By clicking on the Opportunity Trend Analysis or Risk Trend Analysis link you switch to the Opportunity Trend Analysis or Risk Trend Analysis modules in which in addition to the trend visualization (like in the Info Board) both current risk and opportunity data as well as the data from all status reports in question are displayed in table form and can be compared.
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