Create New Simulation
Where can I create a portfolio simulation?
In the Simulations module of the required portfolio.
Open the portfolio by clicking on the Multi-Portfolio Board link in the user menu of the Portfolio manager role and clicking on the link on the ID of the portfolio in the Portfolios module which will be opened. Subsequently, please switch to the Simulations module tab in the active portfolio.
Who is allowed to create a simulation?
All users who have access to the Simulations module and have modification rights for portfolios. In PLANTA standard these are managers of the respective portfolio and multi-portfolio managers. For information on user rights, please click here.
Select Status Report per Planning Object
Planning object data from released status reports or from the current planning object status are used as a basis for simulation.
For simulation, a released status report must be selected for each portfolio planning object. If particular planning objects do not have released status reports, status reports of the current status, which are only used for portfolio simulation, will be created automatically when you start creating a simulation.
Define what data the simulation is to be based on in the Simulations module.
In order to automatically select the last released status reports for simulation, click on the Assign current status reports button.
In order to select the status reports for simulation manually, click on the Select status report button in the line of the corresponding planning object and select and assign a status report in the Assign Status Report module which will be opened.
Create and Open Simulation
Click on the Create simulation button.
The Simulation module will be opened. It contains the created simulation.