Persons MOD009A3Q
- PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources → Persons
- Customizer → System Customizer → Users, Roles, Resources→ Persons
- In this module you can
- create new persons,
- add person properties,
- edit/change the data of already created persons,
Show persons
- If persons have already been created,
- they can be displayed by clicking on the All button or
- the display of the persons can be restricted via the Search person field. For this purpose, see the "Search for persons".
In order for employees of a company to be able to work with PLANTA project, they must have been created as persons in the PLANTA system. Three attributes will subsequently be recorded for each person:
- User: is required for the login of the respective person to the PLANTA program. Furthermore, all parameters which the respective person requires for program operation are stored on the user (e.g. login data, authorizations, language, etc. as well as user-specific menus with modules and menu items).
- Stakeholder: is required to compile project teams
- Person resource: is required for planning the respective person as a resource in projects
Module Variants
Base | Persons who have not left the company, i.e. persons which have no entry in the Leaving date field, or the leaving date of which lies in the future, are displayed. |
Persons left | Only persons who have left the company and have an entry in the Leaving date field which does not lie in the future, are displayed. |
LDAP Import | Here, persons are displayed which were imported from the Active Directory using the LDAP import function. |
Create Persons
- Click on the New button.
- As a result, a new person record is created in which the personal data of the new employee can be entered.
- Fill in the Name, First name, and Code fields.
- The ID of the new person is generated automatically as soon as you have filled one of the above mentioned fields jumped to the next field.
- Save.
Edit Person Parameters
You can edit the person data by entering or changing the relevant person parameters in individual fields.
Here you will find a list and description of all person fields/parameters.
Define Person Properties (User, Stakeholder, Person Resource)
- Click on the Create person attributes button in the record of the required person in the Persons module and save.
- Three attributes (User, Stakeholder and Person Resource) will automatically be assigned to the person.
- The code for all three attributes is the same as the person code.
- The from field is automatically filled with the current date for all three attributes.
- The e-mail address entered on the person is automatically transferred to the user and to the stakeholder. The respective fields are hidden by default and can be unhidden by the user if necessary.
- Three attributes (User, Stakeholder and Person Resource) will automatically be assigned to the person.
- Also in case not all attributes are required for a person, it is recommended to create all attributes as described above anyway (to ensure data consistency) and then delete obsolete data.
User Parameters
- The User person attribute is required to log on to the program.
- In the automatic creation of the User person attributes,
- User code,
- User name,
- User e-mail address
- are automatically adopted from Person code, Person name (User + First name) and Person e-mail address.
- In order for the respective person to be able to log on to the program, further user parameters must be defined and the user roles must be assigned. This is, however, not done in the Persons module, but in the Users module.
- In order to switch to the Users module, click on the link on the user name.
- By filling the from/to fields, the activation/deactivation of the user account, i.e. the login options of the user in PLANTA, can be controlled with respect to time.
Stakeholder Parameters
- The Stakeholder person attribute enables you to add a person to project teams.
- When automatically creating the Stakeholder attribute, the stakeholder ID and the stakeholder name are automatically copied from the person ID and the person name.
- Furthermore, you can specify for the period for which the attribute is to be valid in the from/to fields.
- Further stakeholder parameters can be defined in the Stakeholder area in the core data modules of the planning objects (Project Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Idea Core Data).
Person Resource Parameters
- The Person resource person attribute is required to create respective resources via which persons can be planned in projects. Resources are created and edited in the Resource Data Sheet module.
- When automatically creating the Person resource attribute, the person resource ID and the person resource name are automatically copied from person ID and person name.
- Furthermore, you can specify for the period for which the attribute is to be valid in the from/to fields in the person resource record.
- In order to create a respective resource for the person resource,
- click on the link on the person resource name in the person resource record.
- This will take you to the Resource Data Sheet module.
- The code and the name for the resource are automatically copied from the person resource record.
- Define further parameters for the resource (taking into account the mandatory entries).
- Save.
- In order to be able to create or modify resources in the Resource Data Sheet module, you will need multi-project, multi-portfolio/multi-request manager rights.
Search for Persons
- Using the Search person field you can filter for persons the name or ID of which contains the entered search string.
You can search for a complete name (first name and/or last name), the complete ID or for parts of names or IDs.
Asterisks (*) in the search string serve as placeholders:
- An asterisk at the end of the search string finds persons the name or ID of which starts with the search string:
finds Johanna, Johannes, Johannsen, Johansson, etc. - An asterisk at the beginning of a search string finds persons the name or ID of which end in the search string:
finds Müller, Mueller, Miller, etc. - An asterisk at the beginning and end of a search string finds persons the name or ID of which contains the search string:
finds Andrea, Andreas, Ondrej, etc.
- An asterisk at the end of the search string finds persons the name or ID of which starts with the search string:
- A search string without asterisk is treated like a search string with asterisk at the beginning and at the end.
Delete Periods
- If persons have left the company, PLANTA recommends that you do not delete the persons completely from the system but to deactivate them.
- To do so, enter the respective date in the Leaving date field in the record of the person. The persons left are then no longer displayed in the base variant of the Persons module but can be viewed in the Persons left module variant.
- As soon as the left on date is set for a person, the leaving date is automatically applied to all person properties (to field). Thie means that from the respective date on, all properties of the person are no longer valid.
- As soon as the leaving date is set for a person, the Left on date is also set for the respective resource in the Resource Data Sheet module. From this date on, the respective person can thus no longer be planned in projects and is no longer displayed in resource listboxes throughout the system.
- If, contrary to the recommendation, you delete a person, you also have to delete the corresponding resource in the Resource Data Sheet module manually since this does not happen automatically.
Import Persons from the Active Directory
- PLANTA offers an option to import persons, users, and resource data from an Active Directory into PLANTA project via LDAP technology.
- For this purpose, the LDAP Import module variant is made available in the Persons module in which the import can be preconfigured and executed via the Import button. For a detailed description, please refer to the "Import Data with LDAP" topic.
- If the module is closed, the imported persons which have not yet been checked and marked accordingly, can be displayed by clicking on the All button.