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Critical Projects MOD009AIR



  • This module provides the multi-project manager (project manager, department manager) with an overview of the main projects that have delay or master milestone delay, or budget overrun.
  • If there is need for clarification, you can send a message to the project manager directly from the Critical Projects module.


  • The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.

    • If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After clicking on the Apply changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter are displayed.
    • You area, can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
    • If an object filter is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters as well.

  • By clicking on the ID of the required project you can switch to the corresponding Project panel in which you can review or edit the project data depending on your user rights.

Module Variants

BaseShows all projects that are critical according to defined criteria.
My ProjectsOnly shows the projects that are critical according to defined criteria and in which the logged-on user is project manager.

Bar Legend

Requested dates
Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
calculated datesThe color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E

Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are determined during the calculation of the schedule (by clicking on the

menu item button).
You can define and change the code of the planning objects in the Edit Planning Objects module (for projects and proposals you can also do this in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules)

actual datesThe bar is hatched in white. The background color depends on the code of the planning object.

Actual start and Actual end (if available, otherwise Latest time recording date ) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) during the calculation of the schedule of the respective planning object (by clicking on the

menu item button).

Float available when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
A delay occurs when the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
External links

Master Milestones

without delay
/ with delay
/ with actual end

Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.
Master milestone delay
Master milestone delay exists if Calc. end of a master milestone is later than its Latest end.



  • In the Delay area, all main projects are displayed, which have a delay (Calc. end is later than the Requested end).
    • Projects are displayed in the categories of delay up to 5 days and over 5 days.
    • The Deviation field contains a traffic light function.

Master Milestone Delay


  • In the Master milestone delay area, all main projects are displayed, which have a delay (Calc. end is later than Requested end) (there must be at least one master milestone with delay).
    • Projects are displayed in the categories of delay up to 5 days and over 5 days.
    • By opening the requested project, all milestones and master milestones are displayed.

Budget Overrun: Costs


Budget Overrun: Effort


Contact Project Manager


  • In all of the areas mentioned above, the project manager of the projects in question can be contacted via e-mail in case of inquiries or need for clarification.


  • Click on the Message to project manager button in the required area.
    • A dialog message window will be opened, asking you whether the messages are to be sent to all project managers or only to selected ones.
    • Select the desired option.
    • For every marked project (or for all projects) of the concerned area, the Send Info dialog module will be opened automatically.
      • All opened dialog modules are aligned in a row, so that only the Send Info module of a project is visible at first sight. If you move the module aside, the next one becomes visible, etc. If you want info to be sent for all (marked) projects, you have to process the Send Info modules successively in their order of appearance. If you move some modules aside and activate one of the modules situated below, the moved modules disappear.
  • Activate the Send Info dialog module of the required project.
    • The module already contains the most important project data with a reference to overrun or delay.
  • The message text can be edited/completed if required.
  • Click on the send button at the right hand top margin of the module.
    • The message is sent to the project manager via e-mail.
      • Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.


  • This function is also available via the Inform project manager context menu command (right-click on the required project). In this case, the Send Info module is only opened for the project that was clicked on.
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