Dashboard (Portfolio) MOD009CSF
- Portfolio panel → Dashboard
- This module provides the portfolio manager with an overview of all planning objects of his/her portfolio. The displayed planning object data is current planning data.
- The module does not yet contain data when a portfolio is created. In the course of portfolio planning and editing, the module is filled with data.
- Displayed planning objects can be viewed or edited by clicking on the ID.
Current status of the portfolio
- The Planning objects by adherence to budget pie chart shows the share of planning objects without budget overrun as well as those with an cost budget overrun by at least 5%.
- The Planning objects by adherence to effort pie chart shows the share of planning objects without budget overrun as well as those with an effort budget overrun by at least 5%.
- The Planning objects by adherence to schedule pie chart shows the share of planning objects without delay as well as those with a delay of at least 5 days.
- The Planning objects by manager’s estimate pie chart shows the shares of positive, negative, neutral or missing estimates of the portfolio planning objects by the project manager.
- In this area, planning objects of the portfolio which the portfolio manager has selected for monitoring are displayed.
- You can assign planning objects to the watchlist via the Assign planning objects to the watchlist button next to the area heading.
- As a result, the Assign Planning Objects to the Watchlist dialog module is opened, in which the planning objects for the watchlist can be selected.
- Marked planning objects can be deleted from the watchlist via the Delete button in the toolbar or via the Delete context menu command.
- For all planning objects ( except ideas) you can see estimates manually created by the project manager (total estimate of the planning object, quality, risks/opportunities) and deviation values calculated during scheduling (costs, effort, dates) from the status report which is selected for the respective planning object in the Status module.
- Next to the total estimate of the respective project manager, the portfolio manager’s estimate will be displayed for each planning object.
- The portfolio manager can adjust the estimate by clicking on the » button in the Status module.