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DT099 Pf simulation/resource

DI065168 Resource type ID

Code of the type of resources scheduled in the planning objects of the portfolio and used in the portfolio simulation

DI065251 OLE overload: entire simulation

Traffic light which shows whether a department has overload (red) in general or not (green). Cf.: the OLE overload simulation traffic light which indicates whether a department has overload in the selected simulation period.

DI065169 Resource

Name of the department the resources of which, or the department itself, are scheduled in the planning objects of the portfolio which are used in the portfolio simulation

DI065124 Resource ID

ID of the department the resources of which, or the department itself, are planned in the planning objects of the portfolio which are used in the portfolio simulation

DI065137 OLE overload simulation

Traffic light which shows whether a department has overload (red) in the selected simulation period or not (green). Cf.: the OLE overload: entire simulation traffic light which indicates whether a department has overload in general.

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