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DT202 Input view resource request periods

DI065264 Approved

Approved effort of the selected resource

DI065261 Requested

Requested effort of the selected request

DI065258 Request/approval ID

ID of the request/approval

DI065259 Period

DI065265 Deviation: requested - approved

Difference between requested and approved effort


  • A traffic light is stored on the field which behaves as follows:
    • red: requested effort is higher than approved effort
    • orange: approved effort is higher than requested effort

DI066150 Free capacity

Remaining free capacity of the selected resource (and of its child resources) when the requested/approved effort is planned

The value will be updated as soon as a value has been entered in the Approved field.

DI066283 Approved per request

Sum of the approved effort of the selected request

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