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DT282 Project/year/CTGr

DI060640 Effort deviation

Deviation of the effort values: Total effort from Effort budget

DI060583 Remaining costs (without subprojects)

Remaining costs of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060495 Requested cost budget (without subprojects)

Approved cost budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year. The values entered in the respective yearly tranche are only deemed to be actually approved when the

approval checkbox has been activated on the yearly tranche. If the checkbox is not activated
, the yearly budget is not yet approved even if the values have already been entered in the column. In such a case, the values are shown grayed-out.

The parameter can only be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the approval checkbox is not activated on the yearly tranche or if the annual budget has not yet been approved.

  • As an alternative to manual input/editing, you can also adopt the parameter values via the transfer arrow from the Requested (w/o SP) column,

DI061242 Total costs (active SR)

Total costs of the selected project from the active status report

  • An active status report is a last released status report. Baseline does not count as an active status report. The baseline values are displayed in a separate column.

DI061243 Total effort (active SR)

Total effort of the selected project from the active status report

  • An active status report is a last released status report. Baseline does not count as an active status report. The baseline values are displayed in a separate column.

DI060651 OLE cost deviation

Traffic light for the visualization of the cost deviation: Total costs from Cost budget

DI060639 Cost deviation

Deviation of the cost values: Total costs from Cost budget

DI060645 Cost deviation (without subprojects)

Deviation of the cost values: Total costs (without subprojects) from Cost budget (without subprojects) in the selected yearly tranche

DI060648 % effort deviation (without subprojects)

Percentage deviation of the effort values: Total effort (without subprojects) from Effort budget (without subprojects) in the selected yearly tranche

DI060509 Remaining effort

In projects: Remaining effort of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Remaining effort (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Remaining effort of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Remaining effort values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060773 Requested cost budget

In projects: Requested cost budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Requested cost budget (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Requested cost budget of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Requested cost budget values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060508 Total effort

In projects: Total effort of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Total effort (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Total effort of the program (sum of the Total effort values of all projects assigned to the program) for the selected year

DI060513 Requested effort budget (without subprojects)

Requested effort budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

The parameter can be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the global Edit project budget parameter is configured with value "0" or "1".

  • As an alternative to manual input/editing, the parameter values can be applied using the transfer arrow from the Total (w/o SP) column.

DI060504 Effort budget (without subprojects)

In projects: Effort budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year
In programs: Effort budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year. For each cost type group, the annual program-effort budget can be allocated manually.

The parameter can be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the global Edit project budget parameter is configured with value "0" or "1".

  • As an alternative to manual input/editing, the parameter values can be applied using the transfer arrow from the Appr. (w/o SP) column if the
    approval checkbox is activated on the yearly tranche or if the annual budget is approved.

DI060498 Actual costs

In projects: Actual costs of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Actual costs (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Actual costs of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Actual costs values of all projects assigned to the program) for the selected year

DI060502 Baseline total costs

In projects: Total cost budget from the baselines of the project and all of its subprojects (sum of the Total costs from baseline (without subprojects) values from the baselines of the project and of all of its subprojects for the selected year
In programs: Total costs from the baselines of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Total costs from baseline values of all projects assigned to the program) for the selected year

DI060771 Requested effort budget

In projects: Requested effort budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Requested effort budget (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Requested effort budget of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Requested effort budget values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060656 OLE effort deviation sum

Traffic light for the visualization of the effort deviation (Total effort from Effort budget) in the sum line of the selected yearly tranche

The traffic light is only displayed if the budget value is available (i.e. > 0).

DI060642 % effort deviation

Percentage deviation of the effort values (Total effort from Effort budget) in the selected cost type group of the selected yearly tranche.

DI060510 Actual effort

In projects: Actual effort of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Actual effort (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Actual effort of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Actual effort values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060492 Cost budget subprojects

Cost budget of all subprojects without the project itself (sum of the Cost budget (without subprojects) values of the subprojects) for the selected year

DI060491 Cost budget (without subprojects)

In projects: Cost budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year
In programs: Cost budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year. For each cost type group, the annual program-costs budget can be allocated manually.

The parameter can be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the global Edit project budget parameter is configured with value "0" or "1".

  • As an alternative to manual input/editing, the parameter values can be applied using the transfer arrow from the Appr. (w/o SP) column if the
    approval checkbox is activated on the yearly tranche or if the annual budget is approved.

DI060655 OLE effort deviation

Traffic light for the visualization of the effort deviation (Total effort from Effort budget) in the selected cost type group of the selected yearly tranche.

The traffic light is only displayed if the budget value is available (i.e. > 0).

DI060653 OLE cost deviation (without subprojects)

Traffic light for the visualization of the cost deviation (Total costs (without subprojects)) from Cost budget (without subprojects)) in the selected cost type group of the selected yearly tranche

The traffic light is only displayed if the budget value is available (i.e. > 0).

DI060586 Total costs (without subprojects)

Total costs (actual + remaining) of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060589 Total effort (without subprojects)

Total effort (actual + remaining) of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060512 Total effort baseline (without subprojects)

Total effort (actual + remaining) from the baseline of the project without considering its subprojects

DI060505 Effort budget subprojects

Sum of the Effort budget (without subprojects) values of all subprojects of the project without the project itself for the selected year

DI060501 Total costs

In projects: Total costs of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Total costs (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Total costs of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Total costs values of all projects assigned to the program) for the selected year

DI060494 Requested cost budget (without subprojects)

Requested cost budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

The parameter can be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the global Edit project budget parameter is configured with value "0" or "1".

DI060493 Cost budget

In projects: Cost budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Cost budget (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Cost budget of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Cost budget values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060646 Effort deviation (without subprojects)

Deviation of the effort: Total effort (without subprojects) from Effort budget (without subprojects)

DI060657 OLE effort deviation (without subprojects)

Traffic light for the visualization of the effort deviation (Total effort (without subprojects) from Effort budget (without subprojects)) in the selected cost type group of the selected yearly tranche

The traffic light is only displayed if the budget value is available (i.e. > 0).

DI060584 Actual costs (without subprojects)

Actual costs of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060587 Actual effort (without subprojects)

Actual effort of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060503 Liability

Liability value of the project in the selected year for the selected cost type group or for all cost type groups

Liability means a contractual or optional obligation leading to actual costs due to business transactions like goods input or invoice receipt. In finance, the term liability is used for the payment obligations of a company.
Liability does not only refer to already recorded liabilities (e.g. through received but not yet payed bills), but also all future payment obligations (e.g. due to contractual agreements). Source: Wikipedia

The parameter can be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the global Edit project budget parameter is configured with value "0", "1", "3", or "4".

DI060754 Relevant cost budget

Cost budget of the project/program which is relevant for the portfolio. Via the global Relevant project budget in portfolio environment setting you can control which budget is considered relevant.

DI060647 % cost deviation (without subprojects)

Percentage deviation of the costs: Total costs (without subprojects) from Cost budget (without subprojects) in the selected yearly tranche

DI060588 Remaining effort (without subprojects)

Remaining effort of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060514 Effort budget

In projects: Effort budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Effort budget (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Effort budget of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Effort budget values of the assigned projects) for the selected year

DI060506 Approved effort budget (without subprojects)

Approved effort budget of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year. The values entered in the respective yearly tranche are only deemed to be actually approved when the

approval checkbox has been activated on the yearly tranche. If the checkbox is not activated
, the yearly budget is not yet approved even if the values have already been entered in the column. In such a case, the values are shown grayed-out.

The parameter can only be edited in the Budget module by users with modification rights if the approval checkbox is not activated on the yearly tranche or if the annual budget has not yet been approved.

  • As an alternative to manual input/editing, the parameter values can be applied using the transfer arrow from the Requested (w/o SP) column.

DI060500 Remaining costs

In projects: Remaining costs of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Remaining costs (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Remaining costs of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Remaining costs values of the assigned projects) for the selected year

DI060774 Approved cost budget

In projects: Requested cost budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Requested cost budget (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Approved cost budget of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Approved cost budget values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060755 Relevant effort budget

Effort budget of the project/program which is relevant for the portfolio. Via the Relevant project budget in portfolio environment parameter you can control which budget is considered relevant.

DI060772 Approved effort budget

In projects: Approved effort budget of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Approved effort budget (without subprojects) values of the projects) for the selected year
In programs: Approved effort budget of all projects of the program (sum of the Approved effort budget values of all projects assigned to the program) for the selected year

DI060641 % cost deviation

Percentage deviation of the costs: Total costs from Cost budget

DI060496 Total costs from baseline (without subprojects)

Total costs from the baseline of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060507 Baseline total effort

In projects: Total costs from baseline of the project and of all of its subprojects (sum of the Total effort from baseline (without subprojects) values of the project and of all of its subprojects) for the selected year
In programs: Total costs from baseline of all projects assigned to the program (sum of the Total effort from baseline values of the projects) for the selected year

DI060761 Text: Sum effort per year

Virtual data item. It is used for displaying the heading of the Effort subarea

DI060638 Text: Sum costs per year

Virtual data item. It is used for displaying the heading of the Costs subarea

DI060496 Total costs from baseline (without subprojects)

Total costs from the baseline of the project without considering its subprojects for the selected year

DI060485 Cost type group name

Name of the cost type group

DI060515 Project ID

DI060470 Project ID

DI060631 Project

DI060632 Main project ID

DI060633 Main project

DI060484 Cost type group

DI060473 Cost type group ID

DI060490 Cost type group category name

DI060488 Cost type group category code

DI060630 Cost type group active?

DI060472 Year

DI060516 Year

DI060585 Planned effort (without subprojects)

DI060568 Planned costs (without subprojects)

DI060511 Planned effort

DI060497 Planned costs

DI060487 Sorting number

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