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DT485 Resource-Skill Assignment

DI002798 Evaluation

Here, an evaluation of the resource’s command of the assigned skill is entered.

DI002799 Skill ID

Code (ID) of the skill assigned to the resource

DI002800 Resource ID

Code (ID) of the resource assigned to the skill

DI002802 Skill

Name of the skill assigned to the resource

DI002831 Resource

Name of the resource assigned to the skill

DI059772 Primary skill

Marks whether the selected resource has the skill to which it is assigned as a primary skill, i.e. whether it is his/her main skill, in case he/she has more than one skills. The parameter only has informational character and has no impact on the function.


  • in the Skills module,
  • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

DI008398 Left on

Leaving date of the person

DI041528 Cost center

Cost center (organizational unit)

DI041529 Cost center structure code

Structure code of the cost center

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