DT513 Work area
DI010324 Work area ID
ID of the work area
DI010405 Work area
Name of the work area
- in the Work Areas module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI010407 Category
Code (ID) of the work area category. For description, see Category name.
DI059334 Category name
Incarnation field of the Category parameter. Here you can select the work area category from the listbox.
- in the Work Areas module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
- *: no category
- DI: data item
- DT: data table
- GR: module grouping
- MI: Menu item
DI026512 No. of role assignments
In this field, the number of assignments of the respective work area to roles is displayed.
DI026513 Number of subordinate work areas
In this field, the number of assignments of the sub work areas of the respective work area is displayed.
DI025554 Icon file
- in the Work Areas module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI025596 Release
DI010373 Created by
When a record is created, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field. The creating user is also the owner of a record.
DI010370 Created on
Upon creation of a record, the time of creation is automatically entered here.
DI010374 Changed by
When a record is modified, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.
DI010371 Changed on
When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.
DI057799 To be translated
- Parameter for modules to be translated.
- This parameter is maintained in the Work Areas module and applies to all modules assigned to the respective work area.
- in the Work Areas module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
- - Modules of this work area are to be translated and occur in the Module-Related Translation module.
- - Modules of this work area are not relevant for translation and are not displayed in the Module Related Translation module.