DT526 Person resource
DI026640 Person resource ID
Code (ID) of the person resource. When you create person attributes, the person code is applied to the person resource.
DI026653 Person ID
Code (ID) of the person
DI027461 Person resource
Name of the person resource. It is composed of the name and first name of the person.
DI040098 from
The date on which the respective person was defined as a person resource.
- in the Persons module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI040099 to
Date on which the respective person stopped being a person resource.
- in the Persons module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
- If a leaving date of the person is entered in the Left on field in the Persons module, it will automatically be copied to the to field of the person resource upon saving.
DI027849 Default resource
- This parameter is currently without function and should therefore not be used.
DI058243 Default resource name
- This parameter is currently without function and should therefore not be used.