DT869 Dependency
DI028654 Project ID
Technical ID of the project (proposal, idea), for the completion of which the selected project (proposal, idea) is required
DI051836 Dependent on
Functional ID of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI029441 Project name
Name of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI029442 Requested end
Requested end date of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI029443 Calc. end
Calculated end date of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI040286 Comment
Comment on the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI058225 Manager
Name of the manager of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI029444 Manager ID
Code (ID) of the manager of the planning object on which the selected planning object depends
DI063110 Project status
ID of the project status report the data of which is to be fed in the program status report or program application to be created.
DI065854 Status
Date on which the report status was assigned to the respective report.