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Introduction PLANTA Hybrid (project + pulse)


  • In the following topic you will find introductory information on PLANTA Hybrid.
  • Detailed information on individual aspects of use (e.g. synchronization of data and recording of hours) can be found in the child topics as well as in the descriptions linked under “Further information”.
  • For information on interface installation and configuration as well as further technical aspects, please refer to the PLANTA link help area.


PLANTA Hybrid combines two PLANTA components: the agile PLANTA pulse component and the traditional PLANTA project component. This connection (i.e. via PLANTA Hybrid) which enables synchronization of the data of both systems allows you to benefit from the advantages of both agile and classical project management in project planning and management.


Principle of working with PLANTA Hybrid

  • Planning of the sprint tasks with the required resources in a project in PLANTA project.
  • Synchronization of the PLANTA project tasks with PLANTA pulse. By doing so,
    • the project tasks become boards in PLANTA pulse. They contain defined lists by default.
    • the resources assigned to the task in PLANTA project are added in PLANTA pulse as board members, provided that the users corresponding to the members have been synchronized before.
    • Already synchronized tasks are updated.
  • Planning and execution of the sprints by teams in the PLANTA pulse boards.
  • Creation of sprint hours in PLANTA pulse boards (on cards). They are automatically returned to the task in PLANTA project.
  • Calculation, analysis, and monitoring of the projects by the project manager in PLANTA project.

Further information.

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