LDAP Import: Configuration MOD009DN7
- PM Administration role → Master Data panel → Users, Roles, Resources work area → Persons module → LDAP Import module variant → Configuration button
- In the LDAP Import: Configuration module you can make settings which are to be used for persons which are to be imported from the Active Directory via LDAP, such as
- default settings for particular parameters
- role assignments and rights which are achieved via mappings (see the "Mapping" section)
- The settings described here are only a part of the LDAP import process. For a complete overview, please see here.
Standard Settings
- In this area, parameters are listed which are filled with the same values for all persons during LDAP import. Here you can specify these values.
- This is data which is identical for most persons/users/resources in PLANTA, e.g. calendar or skin.
- If you want to set deviating values for particular persons, you can make individual adjustments after import.
- In this area, the Active Directory groups are mapped with PLANTA roles which are then assigned to the corresponding users during LDAP import. This is done with the help of the Person group mapping element.
- In the Person group section you can create new person groups and/or define the priorities of the menu item roles.
- If a user belongs to several person groups to which different menu item roles are assigned, only one of these menu item roles shall be assigned to the user. You can define this via the Priority menu items parameter on the person group. The greater the number, the higher the priority of the menu item of this person group as compared to another person group of the same user.
- Example: The “Administrator” and “Employee” person groups have two different menu item roles. To ensure that an employee who belongs to both of these person groups is not assigned both menu item roles, you can define which menu item role is to be assigned to him/her by setting the priority accordingly. If the “R39 MP All” menu item role has, e.g., priority 1 and the “R39 MP User” menu item role has priority 0, “R39 MP All” will be assigned to the user.
- If a user belongs to several person groups to which different menu item roles are assigned, only one of these menu item roles shall be assigned to the user. You can define this via the Priority menu items parameter on the person group. The greater the number, the higher the priority of the menu item of this person group as compared to another person group of the same user.
- In the Mapping AD groups <-> person groups section, AD groups are listed to which person groups can be assigned by selecting them from the listbox.
- A person group can be assigned to several AD groups if more than one AD group corresponds to a role in PLANTA.
- In the Mapping person group <-> roles section, PLANTA roles are assigned to the person groups.
- Several PLANTA roles can be assigned to a person group. One of these PLANTA roles must be a menu item role.
- A role can be assigned to different person groups. If a user has several person groups with the same role, the respective role is only assigned once during import.
- In the Person group section you can create new person groups and/or define the priorities of the menu item roles.
- Both mappings with PLANTA standard AD groups, standard person groups, and standard roles are already already included in the scope of supply of the PLANTA software. Of course you can make your individual adjustments to both mapping elements and assignments, or you can create them from scratch according to your personal requirements.
Person groups
Person groups |
Administrator |
Employee |
Project manager |
Multi-project manager |
Department manager |
Portfolio Managers |
PM administrator |
pulse user |
Jira user |
Mapping AD groups ↔ Person groups
Mapping AD groups <-> Person groups |
CN=PLANTAProject_Administrator,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Administrator |
CN=PLANTAProject_Employee,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Employee |
CN=PLANTAProject_ProjectManager,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Project manager |
CN=PLANTAProject_MultiProjectManager,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Multi-project manager |
CN=PLANTAProject_DepartmentManager,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Department manager |
CN=PLANTAProject_PortfolioManager,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Portfolio Managers |
CN=PLANTAProject_PMAdministrator,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | PM administrator |
CN=PLANTAProject_pulseUser,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | pulse user |
CN=PLANTAProject_JiraUser,OU=PLANTAProject,OU=Groups,DC=planta,DC=de | Jira user |
Mapping person group ↔ Roles
Mapping person group <-> Roles |
Department manager | |
Department manager | |
Department manager | |
Administrator | R39 MP total (contains menu items from R39 MP User and additionally Menu Items of the Customizer) |
Administrator | |
Administrator | |
Administrator | |
Administrator | |
Employee | |
Employee | |
Multi-project manager | |
Multi-project manager | |
Multi-project manager | |
Multi-project manager | |
Multi-project manager | |
PM administrator | |
PM administrator | |
PM administrator | |
Portfolio Managers | |
Portfolio Managers | |
Portfolio Managers | |
Project manager | |
Project manager | |
Project manager |