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Project Panel


  • In the Project module panel, all modules required for the creation and editing of a project are summarized.
  • Whether the panel can be opened for the purpose of creating a new project and whether project data can be edited or only be read depends on the rights of the logged-on user and on whether the user possesses the role which has access to the respective modules.

Access 1: Open the panel to view or edit an existing project.

  • You can open the required project
    • a) via the Extras → Go to menu or by opening a dialog window via CTRL+G and entering the ID of the required project or
    • b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module (e.g. My Planning Objects)
      • If the Dashboard module contains data, it will be focused when the panel is opened, otherwise, the Project Core Data module will be focused.

Access 2: Open the panel to create a new project. As a result, the empty Project Core Data module is focused.

Modules of the panel

  • Dashboard
  • Project Core Data
  • Budget
  • Schedule
  • WBS
  • Status
  • Info Board
  • pulse Boards
    • This module is only available if a project has been synchronized with PLANTA pulse (PLANTA Hybrid).
  • Further ...
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