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Resource Selection (Department Manager) MOD009DB1



Module Variants

BaseThe person resources of the department are displayed.
DepartmentsThe departments are displayed.


  • In this module, the department manager can select the resources to which he/she wants to allocate the requested effort.


  • The display period will be copied from the My Resource Requests module.
  • Via the Requested period: from/Requested period: to filters, the display period can be adjusted if necessary.
  • If there are values which lie outside the currently displayed period, arrows will be displayed which allow you to jump to the next period.


  • Select the required resources.

    • The resources of the department are displayed.
      • Here, resources which do not require approval may be displayed as well (Approval required = No).
      • Person resources will be displayed by default. In the Department module variant, department resources can be viewed.
    • Click on Add resource for distribution.
    • The module will be closed and the resources will be inserted under the selected resource request in the My Resource Requests module.
      • If the selection includes resources for which this request has already been approved, a respective message will be displayed and the resources will not be inserted for allocation.
See also : Information on Resource Requests/Approvals
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