Manage Risks
Where can I identify and monitor risks of a project?
In the Risks/Opportunities and Risk Trend Analysis modules of the required project
You can open the project a) by opening a dialog window via the Extras → Go to menu or via CTRL + G and entering the ID of the required project or b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module. Subsequently, click on the Risks/Opportunities link under the Further... module tab.
Who is allowed to add risks?
All users who have access to the Risks/Opportunities module and modification rights for projects. These are, in PLANTA standard, managers of the respective project, their deputies, or multi-project managers. For further information on rights, please click here.
- In the Risks/Opportunities module, a project manager can record possible risks for the project and define measures for their minimization. For the exact description of the procedure, please refer to the module description.
- In the Risk Trend Analysis module, which can be opened directly via the link of the same name in the Risks/Opportunities module, risks can be analyzed at any time. Risk trend analysis charts are also contained in the Info Board module.