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Fast Creation of Employee Data MOD009CHE




  • In PLANTA project, all employee data necessary for the operation of PLANTA project is saved in different data tables.
  • Employee data is thus created in several modules in the Users, Roles, Resources panel.
  • Alternatively, the Fast Creation of Emloyee Data module is available for creation of the data. With the help of this module, data can be created centrally, which makes the creation faster and easier.
    • However, the module must not be regarded as a full-fledged substitute for modules of the Users, Roles, Resources panel.
      • Hence, in PLANTA standard, only the standard roles s01100214 MP user and 01100225 Employee are assigned to each newly created user in the Fast Creation of Employee Data module, further role assignments should be made via the Users module in the Users, Roles, Resources panel.
        • The roles assigned by default can be defined according to the customer’s requirements in the Standard roles for fast creation of employee data template in the Global Settings module.
      • It is also more reasonable to carry out the retroactive editing or modification of individual data in the modules of the Users, Roles, Resources panel.

The module is only designed for manual input and not for the import of data from, e.g., a .csv file.


  • In the Fast Creation of Employee Data module, the employee data is created centrally including all necessary properties (person, user, resource, etc.).
  • The data created here is saved in a so-called pool table and can be transferred to the relevant data table automatically by clicking on a button.
    • Although for this purpose the PLANTA link functionality will be used in the background, the PLANTA link add-on does not have to be licensed explicitly.


  • Open the Fast Creation of Employee Data module.
  • Insert empty records via the Insert button or by selecting the Insert → Employee Data command and fill all required fields.
  • Click on the Transfer all employees button.
    • As a result, the data will be copied to all required data tables and can be reviewed/checked in the required modules of the Users, Roles, Resources panel.
    • The records that have been transferred successfully are marked green.
    • Incorrect records are marked red. At the same time, the Logging module is displayed at the lower margin with the log entries.
    • The incorrect records can subsequently be cleaned and the transfer can be restarted.


  • The Code field is a required field. The record with an empty code field is marked as incorrect upon transfer.
  • If the Start period / End period fields have not been filled, the respective fields in the target table will be filled with today’s date upon transfer, so that periods can be created for the respective resource.
  • A traffic light is implemented on the Start period / End period fields which turns red if the specified date lies outside the periods defined for the selected calendar, i.e. the input made here will already be validated before import


  • E-mail addresses are not validated in PLANTA project, so in case you enter a wrong address the person in question will not receive any e-mails.

Technical details

  • The data created in this module is saved in DT566 Employee pool .
  • Upon transfer, the data will be copied to the following data tables: DT511 User , DT516 Person , DT526 Person resource , DT467 Resource , DT518 Role/user , DT525 Stakeholder/person .
  • The respective modules can be found in the Users, Roles, Resources panel.
  • When transferring data from the pool table to the other tables, adjustment takes place based on the code.
    • If the code is not found during transfer, the respective data of the person will be created anew in the tables listed above.
    • If the code is found, the respective person data is updated in the tables listed above.
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