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Edit Hours to be Worked MOD009BQ3



  • This module is a dialog module and therefore it has no independent function. It is used to adjust the hours to be worked of an employee or of several employees in the Resources module.


  • Mark the required resources in the Resources module.
    • If no resource is marked, all available resources will be listed in the Edit Hours to be Worked module.
  • Click on the Edit hours to be worked button.
  • The Edit Hours to be Worked dialog module is opened.
    • For the previously marked resource(s), the required hours to be worked can now be defined in the Hours to be worked for periods field and the period to which these hours worked are to apply can be defined in the from and to fields.

      • Click on the Apply hours to be worked to period records button afterwards.
        • The dialog module is closed and the defined hours to be worked are copied to every individual period record in the Availability module.
        • The calculated average value of all period records is displayed in the Ø hours to be worked column in the Resources and Resource Data Sheet modules.
        • If the hours to be worked value of individual periods is changed, the calculated average value may deviate from the initially set hours to be worked value.
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