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Use Cases: Adjust Master Data


  • Master data can be adjusted after it has been created. Some typical use cases and suitable workflows will be described below.
  • In order to change master data, you will need access to the modules of the PM administration role.

Adjust Last Name (e.g. After Marriage, Divorce)


  • An employee marries or gets divorced. His/her last name must subsequently be changed.


  • Open the Persons module
  • Adjust the Name field as required
  • Save.


  • The change will automatically be applied to the respective listboxes in the Users and Resources modules.

Employee Changes Department


  • An employee is employed and planned in another department



  • When the department changes, you might have to change the default cost type and the default cost center of the resource as well and consider the impact this has on cost type and cost center of the planning records in existing projects.
  • The availability data of the parent resources will automatically be updated.

ID Change


  • An ID change (person code) may become necessary after name change or due to incorrect assignment.



  • The change will be visible in other modules, e.g. Resources.

Employee Leaves the Company


  • Employee leaves the company


  • The person, the person properties, and the respective resource are to be archived (by setting the left on/leaving date). Caution: Do not delete!
    • If the person or resource itself is deleted, both its planning (remaining data) as well as its reports and analyses will be corrupted since they no longer contain actual data.
      • The user of the respective person can be deleted if required. This has no impact on the reporting system of PLANTA project.
  • The remaining planning of the employee’s resource is to be checked and effort must possibly rescheduled.


  • In the Persons module,
    • enter the leaving date in the Leaving date field at the highest level. It will automatically be inherited by all person properties and entered in the Left on field in the Resource Data Sheet.
    • Save.
    • Result: As long as the leaving date lies in the future, the person will be visible in the respective modules and the resource will remain available for planning. As soon as the defined leaving date is reached, the person and all its properties (user, stakeholder, resource) will be considered archived. The person will be moved to the Persons Left module variant and the corresponding resource will no longer be displayed in the resource listboxes and can no longer be planned.
  • In the Resource Planning (Department Manager) module
    • you can verify the planning of the resource and reschedule the remaining effort if required.


  • Employees left (employees with leaving date) will no longer be considered in further planning and will no longer be displayed in certain modules.

See also: Enter Master Data
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