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Objective Evaluation Criteria MOD0099FA



  • This module
    • objective evaluation criteria are created, edited, structured, and weighted.
      • The objective evaluation criteria are created for each area.
      • When you select an area in the planning object, criteria from this area are offered for the evaluation of objective contributions.
      • You can group objective evaluation criteria within an area.
      • In this module, areas and groups are only selected in order to be used to outline objective evaluation criteria. The areas are created in the Portfolio Listbox Values module.
        • If objective evaluation criteria have already been created for a particular area, this area is no longer offered in the listbox when another area is selected.
    • objective contributions are reset and refreshed.


  • The evaluation criteria created here can be used to evaluate objective contributions of the required planning object.
    • For this purpose you have to select the respective objective evaluation criterion area from the Area listbox under Evaluation criteria in the core data module (Project Core Data, Proposal Core Data) of the required planning object.

Create and Weight Objective Evaluation Criteria


  • Select an area
    • Insert a blank line by clicking on the Insert area button or by right-clicking on the area header and selecting the Insert → Area command.
    • Select the required area from the listbox in the Area field.
      • If objective evaluation criteria have already been created for a particular area, this area is no longer offered in the listbox when another area is selected.
      • New areas are created or edited in the Portfolio Listbox Values module.
  • Select a group
    • Insert a blank line by clicking on the Insert group button or by right-clicking on the area header and selecting the Insert → Group command.
    • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Group field.
  • Insert evaluation criterion
    • Insert a blank line by clicking on the Insert evaluation criterion button or by right-clicking on the area header and selecting the Insert → Insert evaluation criterion command.
    • Enter a criterion name.
    • Save.
      • The ID will be generated automatically.
    • Weight the criterion in the Weighting field.
    • You can release the evaluation criterion by activating the checkbox in the Released field.
    • Only the released objective evaluation criteria are considered when the objective contribution is evaluated.


  • Areas and groups are grouping objects. As long as no evaluation criterion has been assigned to them, they are removed from the display upon saving.

Edit Objective Evaluation Criteria


  • You can edit the data of any criterion directly in the criterion record in the Objective Evaluation Criteria module or in the form of a data sheet in an extra module.

Structure Objective Evaluation Criteria


  • You can structure objective evaluation criteria within a group.
  • Criteria at the highest level of the structure are main evaluation criteria.


  • Open the context menu on the required evaluation criterion and select Create subordinate evaluation criterion.
  • Fill the required parameter.
  • Save.


  • Alternatively, you can structure the required criteria by pressing SHIFT + clicking and holding down the left mouse button.

Delete Objective Evaluation Criteria


  • Mark the evaluation criterion to be deleted and click on the Delete button in the toolbar.
  • Confirm the Do you really wish to delete this criterion (with subcriteria)? message with Yes.
    • The evaluation criterion is also deleted from all ideas, proposals, and projects to which it was assigned.

Reset Objective Contributions


  • Click on the Reset objective contributions button.
  • Confirm the Objective contributions of all projects are reset. Proceed? message with Yes.
  • Confirm the Caution: Objective contributions are cleared. Proceed? message with Yes.
  • The values of the Criterion contribution, Fixed objective contribution, and Current objective contribution are usually reset to "" or 0 in all planning objects in question.
    • The criteria that have been created previously are assigned to the corresponding ideas, proposals, and projects and reset to "", or 0, as well.

Update Objective Contributions


  • Click on the Update objective contributions button.
  • Newly created objective evaluation criteria are inserted in all planning objects concerned. Additionally, the Current objective contribution and Fixed objective contribution values are recalculated in all planning objects in question. This might be necessary, for example, after a weighting has been changed.
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