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Authentication Methods


  • There are two authentication methods which can be active at the same time:
  • If both methods are active, a part of the users, for example, can be managed via the Active Directory and the other part can only be managed via the application.

Local Users




  • Configuration of the IdP in PLANTA pulse in the file docker-compose.yml :
    • The key/value pairs need to be added to the docker-compose.yml in 'METEOR_SETTINGS={ "saml":[{...}] separated by commas.
    • Furthermore, the authentication method “saml” needs to be activated in the file docker-compose.yml: 'METEOR_SETTINGS={..., "userAuth":{ "saml": true, ...
KeyDescriptionObligatoryExample valueNote
providerIdentity ProviderYes"azure"Currently, only “azure” is supported
entryPointSAML endpointYes


(Directory) tenant ID
issuerURL to the applicationYes


Application ID
federationMetaDataUrlURL to the metadata of the IdP, mainly Azure, ADFSYes""(Directory) tenant ID
idpSLORedirectURLSingle Logout URL on the IdPNo""
privateKeyFileFile with the application key, Base64-encodedNo


privateCertFileFile with the application certificate, Base64-encodedNo


  • Users are automatically created in PLANTA pulse when logging in as long as the user does not exist yet (the e-mail address is the criterion).
  • Provider attributes used for user creation:
Attribute of the IdPUsage in pulseNote
emailUser e-mailHas to be unique
nameIDUsernameHas to be unique. PLANTA Azure nameID = e-mail address
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