User Menu
Access path
Click the avatar in the upper right corner.
The User Menu is not to be confused with the Program Menu which can be found on the left.
In the User Menu, the user has the following options:
Access the User Settings
Change the language of PLANTA pulse
Create an iCalendar Feed for all cards to which a user is assigned
Review PLANTA pulse on Trusted
Log out of PLANTA pulse
User Settings
User Menu → User Settings
Via this link, the user can access the User Settings.
Change Language
User Menu → Change Language
- PLANTA pulse is available in German and in English.
- The language can be changed by clicking Change Language and selecting the desired language.
- Further languages can be requested at PLANTA, if needed.
iCalendar Feed
User Menu → iCalendar Feed
Via the iCalendar Feed, the dates of all cards (start and due dates) the user has been assigned to can be exported into a calendar.
Create iCalendar Feed
Open User Menu
In the User Menu, select the option iCalendar Feed.
Click Create.
Adding the board dates, e.g. to an Outlook calendar
Open User Menu
In the User Menu, select the option iCalendar Feed.
Click Copy URL.
The iCalendar Feed needs to have been created first (see above).
In the Outlook calendar, click Add Calendar and select From Internet.
Paste the copied URL into the dialog box and confirm with OK.
A new calendar with the dates from the boards is created.
For every start and due date, an entry is created which contains the name of the card and the username of the creator.
In PLANTA pulse, there are two ways of using iCalendar. Either
as described above, for the dates of all cards a user has been assigned to, or
For the dates of all cards of a board.
Review Us
User Menu → Review Us
Using this link, the user can access the platform Trusted to leave a review for PLANTA pulse.
Log Out
User Menu → Log Out
Via this menu item, the user can log out of PLANTA pulse.