API Documentation
- This topic contains information about the PLANTA pulse API.
- The documentation of the API endpoints can be accessed by adding
to your PLANTA pulse URL.
- This API is secured by Bearer Token Auth.
- The following endpoint can be used to obtain a login token:
POST /users/login
- Admins are permitted to call all functions of the API.
- Users with board access are permitted to call all GET endpoints inside their boards scope
- GET api/boards/boardId...
- GET api/boards/boardId/lists...
- etc...
- Normal users can call:
- GET api/user
- GET api/users/userId/boards
- This API uses the standard HTTP error reporting format for the JSON API.
- Successful requests return HTTP status codes in the 2xx range.
- Failed requests return status codes in the 4xx and 5xx ranges.
- When an error occurs, the header information contains the following:
- Content-Type: application/json or text/html
- An appropriate 4xx, or 5xx HTTP status code
- The body or the response also contains information about the error.
- Error responses usually include a JSON document in the response body, which contains information about the error.
- The following sample error JSON response shows the structure of response elements.
- Code 401
- Response body:
"message": "The request requires user authentication.",
"error": {
"stack": "Error: Unauthorized [Unauthorized]
at Object.Authentication.checkUserId (server/authentication.js:12:21)
at models/boards.js:979:22
at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9",
"message": "Unauthorized"
Explanation of error response elements
: HTTP status codemessage
: description of the errorerror
: container for the error informationerrors.message
: description of the errorerrors.stack
: string describing the point in the code where the error was instantiated