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Information on the Operation


  • The operation of PLANTA pulse is designed to be as intuitive as possible.


  • Buttons and menus are used to access and perform various functions.
  • Using Drag&Drop, elements can simply be arranged and assigned:
    • In projects:
      • Boards can be arranged in board groups using Drag&Drop.
      • The board groups can also be arranged using Drag&Drop.
    • On boards:
      • Cards can be moved into lists or swimlanes using Drag&Drop, e.g. to symbolize the transition into the next workflow stage.
      • Labels and members can be assigned to cards using Drag&Drop.
  • Keyboard shortcuts facilitate operation.
    • Information on the keyboard shortcuts can be accessed in the program by pressing ? Or via the Help (Menu Keyboard Shortcuts tab)
  • A search function to facilitate finding relevant elements is implemented in several places. Here, an overview of the various search options can be found.
  • Texts (e.g. in card descriptions) can be formatted in PLANTA pulse using a WYSIWYG editor or Markdown. Here, a list of the most important formatting commands can be found.

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