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Client Directory Structure


  • Below, you will find a graphical representation of the PLANTA Client directory structure with a short description.

Current Structure

Directory StructureDescription

If you store an e-mail on a hyperlink, a copy of the mail will be created in this directory. If there is no write permission on the client directory, a copy will be created. This directory is generated when e-mails are copied to the hyperlink fields.

Contains documentation for the !IronPython API of the client
Contains the IronPython files
Contains the licenses for the components used


Contains the plug-ins for authentication via PLANTA secure (OpenIdConnect, Ldap, etc.)


Contains PLANTA’s standard client color settings and can be used to adjust the color of certain UI elements individually.


Contains XML schema files for describing the XML schema for PLANTA secure


Contains template files for PPT export which contain defined placeholders which are filled by the export.


Technical directory the content of which is useed for the webview.
  • The storage location for the Log and Ole directories is defined by the working_folder parameter in the planta.ini.


Contains the log files created by the client. This drectory is generated if the client is started after activating the logging with the log client parameter.


Here, OLE objects are stored to make them available more quickly for the future. The OLE directory will be generated when the client is started for the first time.

Structure of older Client versions

Up to C 39.5.31

Directory StructureDescription
If you store an e-mail on a hyperlink, a copy of the mail will be created in this directory. If there is no write permission on the client directory, a copy will be created.
Contains documentation for the !IronPython API of the client
Contains the IronPython files
Contains the licenses for the components used
Contains the log files created by the client. This drectory is generated if the client is started after activating the logging with the log client parameter.
Here, OLE objects are stored to make them available more quickly for the future. The OLE directory will be generated when the client is started for the first time.
Contains the graphics used in the client

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